Nagareyama Central Hospital en Nagareyama

JapónNagareyama Central Hospital



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2-chōme-132-2 Higashihatsuishi, Nagareyama, Chiba 270-0114, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 4-7154-5741
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.8878372, Longitude: 139.9180985

comentarios 5

  • hana hana

    hana hana


    I don't know if there are still people out there, but there was an orthopedic doctor with a Kansai dialect who didn't explain things so well that other orthopedic doctors started laughing when they heard my story. It was quite mentally tough. Also, the rinse-in shampoo provided in the bath was quite harsh. After being discharged from the hospital, I went to the hair salon and found that the amount of hair had decreased and it was getting thinner. If you are going to be hospitalized, we recommend that you bring your own shampoo and conditioner.

  • ともりん山口



    It was the worst response. My mother went to see a general internist, but even though she was complaining that her legs were edematous and painful, she was told that it was because of her age and that she couldn't move. Ta. If you ask a question without being close to the patient and insist that you are absolutely right, you will end up getting angry. I went home that day feeling confused. However, the next day, I finally became unable to stand and had no choice but to call an ambulance and receive treatment at Kashiwa Tanaka Hospital. The cause was water collecting in my knee, but since Nagareyama Central Hospital is a general hospital, I wonder why the general internal medicine doctor didn't refer me to another department. Diagnosis that does not involve the patient. There is only discomfort and disbelief. I will never go there again.

  • 弘法真魚



    R5.I have been receiving orthopedic care since early July. I'm surprised when I read other reviews, but when I actually interact with the doctors and staff, I get the feeling that they are trying to improve on the negative reviews. I guess it depends on the teacher in each department. Either way, there is no doubt that it is a medical institution rooted in the community. There is no doubt that you will be in trouble without it. However, according to my mother who was hospitalized, there was a problem with the hospital food. Eating is one of his favorite things to look forward to while in the hospital. It might be a good idea to reconsider this point. It's just a joke though.

  • Md Shahriar Huda

    Md Shahriar Huda


    Good service, friendly staff. As a foreigner first I was worried about language barrier but luckily I got an English speaking doctor.

  • Gwenael Bollore

    Gwenael Bollore


    Dedicated friendly staff

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