Muku Toya en Sendai

JapónMuku Toya



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒980-0803 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Kokubunchō, 3-chōme−3−5 2F リスズビル
contactos teléfono: +81 22-263-6069
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2658768, Longitude: 140.868281

comentarios 5

  • Kei Kuro

    Kei Kuro


    It became a good memory of Sendai. The combination of grilled beef sushi and sake is the best. Since I came to the second restaurant, I wanted to order more things next time.

  • ミニーミッキー



    This Japanese restaurant has window seats and counter seats. Although it is not large, the staff were friendly and efficient, which was nice. Since it was Christmas time, they arranged a window so we could see the illuminations, and the food was delicious. However, although it was a small restaurant, it was crowded, so it was a course meal, but it took a while for the next dish to arrive, so I was told it would be a 2-hour course, but in terms of the contents of the meal, I was told it would only take an hour. I was surprised that the illuminations went off 30 minutes before I left. It was a valuable experience in a sense, but I wanted to eat quickly and then leave the restaurant before disappearing, walk around the illuminations, and get a feel for the atmosphere before heading home.

  • ニョロニョロ隊長



    2 hours all you can drink for 2,200 yen. All the food is delicious and it's a very nice restaurant. The staff are also very polite and polite. I think I want to go again! The only negative point is that there is no smoking area inside the building. If you are a smoker, we recommend that you set aside time when you cannot smoke. Thank you for the meal🙏

  • ellie



    Very popular store Muku Toyasan I made a reservation and went! When you go, you'll understand why it's a popular store 😌 counter and table seats The window seat is along Jozenji Street. When it's a pageant of light It would be great ^^ They look really nice as a couple ^^ Visited with two women, 3 drinks each and 1 person It was about 6000 yen! All the dishes I ordered were delicious. The staff's customer service is also good. It's also close to Kokubun Town. The second one is easy to get to and very good. It feels like a good quality izakaya that isn't that expensive. It has become my favorite! Sweet potato tempura Personally, it was too delicious. The shop itself There was a wide variety of tempura on the menu! I will go again ◎

  • aka



    The food was delicious, especially the tempura! The sweet potato tempura was sweet and fluffy and it was amazing ♡ The service was also good. I was happy that they checked the condition of the plates before serving them and listened to my order. Since there were two of us, it was especially nice that the meal was plated so we could share it between the two of us. I would like to go again ☺️

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