MUFG Bank Konan Branch i Konan

JapanMUFG Bank Konan Branch



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Asahi-46 Kochinochō, Konan, Aichi 483-8213, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-018-016
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.3359678, Longitude: 136.8713653

kommentar 5

  • 03 satori

    03 satori


    The response is too poor. I filled out the necessary documents for the procedure, but they won't tell me about it because it's written on the website. I understand that they require reservations, but they were only open one week later, so when I went without a reservation, there were no customers at all. It was a system that made no sense.

  • 山田洋子



    The Gifu branch is the closest, but I had some business to do in the Gangnam area, so I used it on the side. There was a fair bit of waiting time, but the counter was one of the most hospitable of any bank branch I've ever been to (4 banks, 10 branches). I wish that person at the counter was at the Gifu branch, which I use most. The system is such that a parking ticket is issued after you enter the parking lot, and you receive a free ticket for the time you spend at the counter. You can use the ATM during store counter business hours (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.), but you can't use it at other times, so even if you want to use an ATM outside of counter business hours, you won't be able to use the store's parking lot. If you are going by car, you should use a nearby coin parking lot, or go with two or more people and park on the street.

  • 長谷川美幸



    The parking lot was small, but the service inside was good. I had a good impression of it. Free parking is available within 15 minutes. Beyond that, while the bank is doing it? You can ask the person in charge for free assistance. What if you haven't? It takes money. If you want to park in the parking lot 🅿? What about UFJ Bank in Heiwado, which has free parking? There will be a line, but there is no charge for parking. There is also a UFJ Bank in Yoshizuya. Apita Jiangnan Branch also has UFJ Bank.

  • ゆーぽんたろう



    Although the store was not very large, the employees were slow and had no intention of keeping customers waiting, and this was the first time at a city bank that I was treated in an arrogant manner. I felt that I had misunderstood something and received an overbearing response, so I immediately canceled my account with this bank and transferred to another bank. The recent business situation has been difficult, so I tried to ask about financing, but the person asked me why I was here and even yawned, which was the worst part. Later, I heard from a company president I knew that high-class customers were treated as VIPs, and everyone else was treated like trash, and I realized that this place was no good. This probably reveals the branch manager's poor leadership ability and laxity. I feel refreshed knowing that this branch will close soon. This is the only city bank around Gangnam Station, and the others are only regional banks and credit unions, so it's obvious that they're not taking advantage of their customers, so they'll either be absorbed into another branch or shut down soon! We will move forward with the support of local credit unions and regional banks. This branch is not needed in this area. Please respond to everything online as soon as possible! If we do that, the people at this branch who are earning high salaries for the first time will either lose their jobs or have their salaries cut drastically, and perhaps they will come a little closer to the feeling that we, who are struggling for the first time, will have. But are there any companies that hire big-headed employees?

  • hafiz mukarram

    hafiz mukarram


    All time perfect service

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