Mr.Barg Ube Konan in Ube

JapanMr.Barg Ube Konan



🕗 öffnungszeiten

382-4 Nakanogaisaku, Ube, Yamaguchi 759-0203, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 836-39-8904
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.9881021, Longitude: 131.2166064

kommentare 5

  • 木田晃



    I went on a lunch date 💑 with my daughter. It came with a drink bar, but I didn't know where to find it, and there wasn't much variety. In the end, I only drink water. 🤣

  • Yuki Y (daddy Yuki)

    Yuki Y (daddy Yuki)


    It was my first Mr. Berg since I went to Kojima in Okayama. The price didn't seem to have changed much and was very affordable.

  • 週末旅人TOMO



    November 2023 I was looking for meat dishes and found this. Although it was very cheap, I was surprised that it included rice and drinks. Furthermore, adding a hamburger steak was 400 yen. It was cheap, voluminous, and delicious.

  • Marcos Mori

    Marcos Mori


    I saw the reviews before going to the establishment and I was apprehensive, but after I went, I didn't regret it and came back more often. The dishes are very well served and you have the option of meat size. And rice, tea and coffee are available for free. In addition to the sauces that are very good. I recommend!

  • Jack Tambunan channel

    Jack Tambunan channel


    Nice restaurant, steaks food so delicious...

nächste Restaurant

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