Fukufuku-tei in Ube




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1540-6 Nishikiwa, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-0151, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 836-51-6769
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.9616334, Longitude: 131.3173005

kommentare 5

  • たーーーくんチャンネル



    I went with my family on a Sunday night. I've been curious about it for a while so I'm glad it finally came true 😆 I ordered a children's set and a set meal. It was so plump and delicious that you wouldn't be able to eat such fresh fish anywhere else. The rice 🍚 was also delicious.

  • Yoshinori N

    Yoshinori N


    A set meal restaurant and izakaya along the national highway. Seafood is a high-class set meal, and Western set meals are extremely reasonable. The menu is extensive and the customer base is diverse. The self-service menu is food court style, where you pick up your food when your number is called. Horikotatsu seats are private rooms separated by noren curtains. The crispy fried tempura, the fresh sashimi, and the seafood bowl that go well with the vinegared rice are all delicious. Sashimi soy sauce is a thick, sweet soy sauce that is unique to Yamaguchi. The specialty is Kawara Soba, which is soba noodles baked on tiles until crispy and has a delicious texture. It's a popular store.

  • Max Maier

    Max Maier


    Very much recommendable for fresh fish items. Price is very good. Fish is very fresh.

  • Wei Yuet Wong

    Wei Yuet Wong


    Good for experiencing the local food. They specialise in puffer fish (ふぐ) and squid (いか). The squid is served as sashimi, and the head is then fried as tempura.

  • Nazib Zarini (Nazzack)

    Nazib Zarini (Nazzack)


    great place to experience japanese taste bud. and also ふぐ.

nächste Restaurant

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