MOTO Dental Clinic w Shizuoka

JaponiaMOTO Dental Clinic


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

278-3 Shibukawa, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0053, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-388-9901
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0146437, Longitude: 138.4653661

komentarze 5

  • だらおちゃん



    The dentist I had been going to since I was little was a small place, the director was scary, and waiting times of one to two hours were commonplace, so I got sick of it and transferred to MOTO. The facilities here are excellent and everyone, including the director and staff, are kind and helpful, and I have a very good impression of them. My fear of dentists has been cured (lol)

  • 増井俊介



    I made an appointment yesterday and received the treatment today. The pain wasn't unbearable. It's been about 30 years since I last saw a dentist, and I think they have state-of-the-art equipment. The doctor and other staff members treated me with great care, and although my tooth is in a state of disrepair, I am determined to leave it to the end.

  • 桑島淳



    The staff is friendly and the clinic is bright and clean.

  • 山本カリン



  • Hir Hor

    Hir Hor


    Please note that Google route search (by car) will take you to a slightly different location. It is located opposite the JA Shimizu Yudo branch.

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