Morikawa Dental Clinic w Shizuoka

JaponiaMorikawa Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-29-46 Senagawa, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0913, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-207-7114
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.0077676, Longitude: 138.4265133

komentarze 5

  • cherry桜新町 taka

    cherry桜新町 taka


    It's always crowded. Anyway, it's difficult to make a reservation. Dental hygienists are in charge of teeth cleaning. It's a little scary because it's a lot of cleaning, but it comes out clean. Be careful if the receptionist is chubby! The other slim receptionists are polite, but the chubby one seems so bossy that I wonder if you're a dentist!? I don't feel polite or kind at all. Female dentists are popular because they are classy and kind to children, but male dentists may be compatible. I'm not good at it! There are other dentists nearby, but many of them don't have very good reviews, so I'm going to this one for now, but I'm planning to switch to another dentist soon.

  • riki



    Rubber gloves were reused, and the smell of spit from the previous patient was unpleasant. Also, the filling came off twice, and the third time I changed the adhesive and it finally stopped coming off, but I wish they had done it the second time. I wonder if there will be a next step, including handling.

  • ぬくりノウ



    The doctor is kind, the anesthesia doesn't hurt, he doesn't make any fuss, and I think he's definitely number one in the area.

  • 華乃かの



    It's been about 10 years since I took care of you. I am satisfied with everything from insurance treatment to self-pay treatment. Please explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment. You can also tell us about any concerns you may have. We are reliable doctors who can refer you to large hospitals or other clinics for treatments that are difficult to perform here. When I visited for treatment for the first time in a while, a new machine had been installed. I also respect the fact that you are studying even though you are busy updating your knowledge. The dental hygienist's treatment is so pleasant that I look forward to every cleaning. However, I'm sorry that I tend to get too dreamy and keep my mouth shut (lol).

  • y yama

    y yama


    If you have any questions or concerns about anything you don't understand or are concerned about, we will listen to you in a friendly manner. The treatment is thorough, and the treatment is not carried out in a process-like manner. I can recommend it to anyone who wants thorough treatment. We can explain the advantages and disadvantages of implants, and you can feel very at ease with our oral surgery. Some people may be confused because I often tell them clearly what is good and what is bad. However, personally, I find it more trustworthy when someone says it clearly. Since I started seeing patients here, I have come to realize the importance of interdental brushes.

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