Mother rich shaved ice expert en Sapporo

JapónMother rich shaved ice expert



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2-chōme-1-5 Asabuchō, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0045, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-788-9994
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.1079075, Longitude: 141.3412323

comentarios 5

  • ながしまふじ



    Fluffy shaved ice shop It's huge and delicious! The simple menu is priced at 900 yen, making it easy to get your hands on. It's a little difficult to get to the order counter because the inside of the store is small, but it's empty on weekdays, so it's a good place to go. It's right next to Aso Station, so it's fine if you take the subway or walk, but there's no parking lot, so it might be a bit of a problem if you're driving. I parked it in a nearby parking lot and got takeout, but the shaved ice was so fluffy that it melted quickly (TT) Well, it's that fluffy ◎ The taste is outstanding, so overall I gave it a 4 star.

  • jerric delfin

    jerric delfin


    It is so very!

  • maru



    This is a popular small shop where you can eat fluffy and delicious shaved ice🍧. Although it costs an additional fee, you can also eat shaved ice made with natural ice ☺️ I received the Sakekasu Haskap. It was a very delicious shaved ice that went well with the scent of sake lees and the haskap. If you are interested, please check it out ☺️ It is recommended 23/9/8 I had hojicha milk with natural ice. Even more fluffy and melts in your mouth than pure ice🤤 That's crazy, it's too delicious I also tried Zunda shaved ice for the first time... Goes well with hojicha-based ice A must-have item for Japanese sweets lovers. 2024! first motherlich I had shaved ice with sweet potato and roasted green tea! ! The sweet potato was very rich and the haskap inside was delicious😋

  • 彩州



    Strawberry condensed milk 🍓Add vanilla ice cream matcha condensed milk Both were made with natural ice. 5 minutes walk from Aso Station on the Namboku Subway Line. There is no parking lot. There is a waiting list form at the entrance of the store, so I filled it out and waited on the bench outside. I went on a Sunday afternoon and it was very crowded. Groups 5 and 6 were always waiting, but they were called after about 20 minutes. I ordered, paid, and waited at my seat. You can both eat in and take out. There seemed to be only one shaved ice machine, and since it was so big, I thought it would take a long time to make it. When the shaved ice finally arrived, it looked cute, and the syrup and ice were delicious. This is a popular shaved ice specialty store in Aso.

  • Hay Chan

    Hay Chan


    I can recommend Mother Rich. I had the sake shaved ice using natural ice. The sake flavour and condensed milk was a pleasant surprise! Mother Rich is light on the condensed milk, but the milk and sake flavour came out nicely . Parking - There is a car park across the road. Wait time - There is a long wait time 20 minutes when I went in summer in the afternoon.

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