Mos Burger in Hiroshima

JapanMos Burger



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6-3 Hatchōbori, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0013, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-511-7702
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3958318, Longitude: 132.4638453

kommentare 5

  • martin smith

    martin smith


    Best burger chain in Japan. I have tried a few Mos burgers and they never let me down. Not the biggest, but value for money is tops. Always prepared well with friendly staff and clean buildings.

  • Régis Caspar

    Régis Caspar


    A classic Mos Burger restaurant. There's a good amount of seating and food comes out fast. The staff is nice and speaks English. There is an English menu. Prices are good Tip: there's no sauce provided with the fries, don't forget to order some.

  • Ernst Verschuren

    Ernst Verschuren


    We went in because we wanted to try a Japanese Fast Food chain. The burger I ordered was excellent. They burger is made after you order so they don't keep things warm for a long time, it's freshly made. Compared to competitive burger chains this one stands out for me.

  • Frederik Falk

    Frederik Falk


    The food was quite good, better than some other burger places. The greens were very fresh and tasty. The fries did go dry quite quickly. It was also quite cheap, around 1500 yen for a set meal and an extra burger.

  • Larry



    Had the tobikiri burger with cheese (~¥440) mix of pork and beef for the patty and it tasted so juicy. The burger could do with lettuce to make it a little more fresher, but the patty was so yummy.

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