Moritaya en Takatsuki




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14-7 Kitasonomachi, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-0802, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 120-882-949
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.850384, Longitude: 135.6222386

comentarios 5

  • niya paku

    niya paku


    The internet cafe in front of Takatsuki Station is a good place to get food to drink in your room, and unlike the 24-hour store inside the station, you can expect half-price stickers just before closing.

  • なかやん



    You can buy delicious meat such as beef, pork, and chicken at reasonable prices. Perhaps because it's a slightly smaller store in front of the station, it doesn't have as many products as other affiliated stores (such as the Nanpeidai store). However, fried pork cutlets and other items are fried to order, so you can buy them freshly fried. Delicious.

  • to TOTO

    to TOTO


    Visited with an acquaintance. I bought a seafood bowl bento and several other items. For some reason, there are scallops among the seafood in the seafood bowl? There were quite a lot of shell fragments in it, and it was crunchy no matter where I ate it. I don't know if it's the wholesaler's fault or the supermarket's fault, but it seems like they're not well managed.

  • 802 yassan

    802 yassan


    A restaurant that specializes in meat. The meat corner is fully stocked. We have a variety of products that you won't find at other supermarkets, such as roast beef and stewed tendon meat. It seems a little more expensive than a typical supermarket. It has been renovated and expanded. A fried food corner has been newly established, It's nice to be able to buy croquettes to take home. You can order from outside the store. Freshly fried food is available until the evening, but the fried food corner closes at night. I recommend the chicken cutlet. Point cards come with many benefits. Events are held regularly at the eaves. We recommend Moritaya's special beef shigureni, curry, and gyoza. It's also good as a souvenir.

  • アララギ



    It's fresh, reasonably priced, and delicious! It's a small supermarket, but it's a very good place. There is also a meat specialty store, and the quality of the meat is very good. The other day I bought a sushi platter for dinner, and while the sushi at the supermarket nearby was a bit dry, the sushi at Morita-ya was moist and delicious. I've always loved it, so I hope you'll continue to use it lol(*^^*) Also, there is a bar affiliated with Morita-ya upstairs, and it seems that they also run a yakiniku restaurant, so I would like to go there again.

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