イオンスタイル茨木 en Ibaraki




🕗 horarios

8-30-3 Matsugamotochō, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-645-3333
sitio web: www.aeon.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8108247, Longitude: 135.5583174

comentarios 5

  • Ryan Kaylor

    Ryan Kaylor


    It opens at 8:00 o’clock so it was easy to jump in and get a few things we needed… also they do delivery which I have not done but I could see how it would be good for elderly and people that don’t have a lot of time but still want to eat healthy

  • 的場晴斗



    When I go to Aeon Style, I usually look for cheap items in the food section. On this day, I was able to buy beautiful strawberries and apples for less than half the price. It sold out quickly, but you can still come across products like this as you walk around the store. That evening, I was satisfied with a delicious strawberry and apple dessert. A moment of bliss.

  • Hi Dayat

    Hi Dayat


    Is the place you go to get things done. Of have a nice shopping.

  • Hosein Shahsavarani

    Hosein Shahsavarani


    Nice Shopping mall

  • Subramanya Gowda

    Subramanya Gowda


    Best shopping mall for clothes

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