ćƒ¢ć‚«ćƒ¢ć‚¢ć‚³ćƒ¼ćƒ’ćƒ¼ w Taiwa




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Matsukurazawa-77 Miyatoko, Taiwa, Kurokawa District, Miyagi 981-3624, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 90-7067-1538
strona internetowej: instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 38.4175207, Longitude: 140.8516598

komentarze 5

  • ROTT



    We had a quiet time in the forest. Old folk house, more old folk house than I thought. It feels nostalgic because it hasn't been renovated too much (this was my first time visiting). Not only was the coffee delicious, but I was also hungry so I ordered the peanut toast, which I couldn't get enough of! There was a light amount of sugar on top of the crunchy peanut cream, which had just the right amount of sweetness and went perfectly with the coffee. It's a pity that I couldn't meet the manager šŸ¶! He is said to be old. Resting is part of the job, after all.

  • 黒鈎



    A perfect place to relax and enjoy coffee while listening to the sounds of nature. It can be fun to listen to the sounds of nature, which are treated as noise in daily life, such as trees creaking in the wind, the sound of rain hitting the roof, insects chirping, and birds chirping. Multiple coffee beans are always available, so it's fun to drink different coffee beans depending on your mood. Freshly baked and crispy toasts are also delicious.

  • M S

    M S


    Visited for takeout. Coffee is so delicious! ! ! I had the Mocha More Blend and the Spring Blend, and the Mocha one had a different flavor from regular coffee and was very delicious. The spring blend also has a different taste from mochaā—ŽIf you have a chance to go to the area again, this is a shop you'll want to stop by! ! The inside of the store was quiet and felt like a hideout. It was a nice space where you could relax.

  • irşad gĆ¼ney

    irşad gĆ¼ney


    Very nice cafe in the nature. Relaxing atmosphere.

  • Fouzia Guestini

    Fouzia Guestini


    Good coffee shop where you can enjoy a coffee break time around a cozy romantic scenary, or treat yourself with a tasty pastery or tart after hinking in the near mountains Nanatsumori.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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