Starbucks Coffee - Sendai Izumi Park Town Tapio w Sendai

JaponiaStarbucks Coffee - Sendai Izumi Park Town Tapio



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Japan, 〒981-3204 Miyagi, Sendai, Izumi Ward, Teraoka, 6-chōme−5−1 泉パークタウン タピオ
kontakt telefon: +81 22-342-7961
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.3430454, Longitude: 140.836347

komentarze 5

  • takanori sato

    takanori sato


    2023/12/02 (Sat) around 11:00 and around 15:00 (second cup was half price) Like all the staff at Starbucks, they are kind, read the atmosphere when you are lining up, and greet you, which is wonderful. ☕ and desserts need no explanation. It was delicious. There were plenty of tables and seats, so we were seated right away. When I come to Park Town, I want to take a break and go again.

  • ぺろちゃん



    I feel nervous when ordering at Starbucks, but it's okay because you can take your time and the staff will give you proper instructions.




    [Big kids space! ] Visited around 14:00 on 2021/05/09 To visit Starbucks in Miyagi Prefecture. There are about 3 stores left after this one. [Store characteristics] ・Large kids space! I think it's over 1K ・The customer base is mainly families, but there are also a few study students at the long desks. ・There is a large housing complex nearby, so I guess the customers are from there. [How to get there] ・Since it is far from the center of Sendai city, it is almost assumed that you will have your own car, so there is a large parking lot. ・However, there is also a direct bus from Sendai Station. ・There is also a bus from Izumi Chuo Station 【coffee】 ・I ordered iced coffee for the first time in a while. ・I think ice cream is more delicious and fragrant compared to the thickness of Starbucks. [Customer service] ・A middle-aged man checked the register, but he seemed efficient. ・Since there are a lot of families and it takes a long time to order at the register, I think quick customer service is more suitable.

  • Journal Maphosa-Ncube

    Journal Maphosa-Ncube


    Nice places to eat both in and out. Very cosy.

  • Terry Whitworth

    Terry Whitworth


    The coffee is good. The staff are always nice and it's close by.

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