みずほ銀行 難波支店 i Osaka

Japanみずほ銀行 難波支店



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-4-1 Namba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0076, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6633-1171
internet side: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6654983, Longitude: 135.4999369

kommentar 5

  • Japan Sarai bahman

    Japan Sarai bahman


    Banks that are racist towards foreigners are not customer friendly at all, so be sure to boycott them and avoid opening an account with them. Japan's old laws will be enforced. It's not the latest. Never use this bank. Japan doesn't deserve it. I would never recommend using this bank.

  • k h

    k h


    I went to the store for the first time in a while, but was it this small? I thought. However, the response was very good. Thank you very much on your way home. When I said that, everyone responded. If you say it's obvious, it's obvious, but it's important.

  • にゃんこ監督



    It's really at this counter ~ If you come properly 🤬 I can hear everything that happens after I get off the phone with a customer or business partner. ``I'm really feeling hysterical...'' I was gesticulating and talking to the woman at the counter next to me, and I could hear her. Do you understand customer business? Or are those waiting in line not customers? I've been working without any free time or New Year's holidays. What kind of carefree person is finally starting work at the dawn of the third day? Are banks that great? I really don't want to come if I don't use it for work. Even before, I was treated with such a ridiculous amount of disrespect that Nee-chan with fake nails was counting the bills and I was annoyed.

  • sweetand dandy

    sweetand dandy


    Even though I made an appointment to come in, I had to wait for 2 hours. Moreover, I was mistaken for someone else with the same last name and last name, and I was shown that person's address and balance. If it were true, I would like to have zero stars, but since I canceled my account and don't need to go there again, I'll give it one star.

  • Jean



    Can’t believe that I just wanted to remit 200 thousand yen to my family and they treated me like a scammer. The lady at the counter questioned me lots of questions and asked me to show 2 ID cards but turned out I can’t remit without my seal. She could tell me at the first place so that I don’t have to waste my time being treated like a suspect. Poor service!

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