Mizuho Bank Shibuya Branch i Shibuya City

JapanMizuho Bank Shibuya Branch



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1-chōme-24-16 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3400-5111
internet side: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.659789, Longitude: 139.7017738

kommentar 5

  • kyosuke tsunashima

    kyosuke tsunashima


    I occasionally use the counter. I felt that the first response from the time I got up the elevator to the courteous customer service at the counter was wonderful. I am also doing the same job as customer service, so I realized once again that I want to be polite as well.

  • Ren Nagano

    Ren Nagano


    I took time off to come to the store to cancel my account. Previously, when I opened an application at another large branch, there was almost no waiting time after receiving the application, and it took about 40 minutes to complete the procedure. I expected it to be completed. I waited for about 30 minutes at the reception desk, and just when I thought I was finally called, the person at the counter said, ``This is a busy store, so it will take another 20 minutes to complete the process.'' I was hesitant because I had a meeting, but I didn't want to waste the 30 minutes I had waited, so I decided to wait until the last minute, and the procedure was completed within a few minutes. I was thankful that I finished in time for the meeting. I was very disappointed when I was told condescendingly, ``I was able to respond quickly.'' The person at the reception was very polite!

  • Hiroyuki



    When I went to pay my taxes in the early afternoon on a weekday, not knowing that there was a reservation system, there were four chairs waiting in line for "individual customers" in front of the escalator going up to the second floor. There was a sign saying "wait 30 minutes", but as I was waiting after being checked in advance by an old gatekeeper who seemed to be rehired, I was taken to the second floor after about 10 minutes, and following the guide's instructions, I entered data on the computer. Once done, the entire procedure was completed in about 5 minutes. Another middle-aged male customer on the same floor was told that the procedure would take an hour, and was upset, saying, ``I won't be able to make it in time for the meeting.'' Did I just get lucky?

  • minon



    Although it is far from my home and work due to my appointment, I had no choice but to come to the Mizuho Bank Shibuya branch to open an account. They say they won't accept anything without a reservation. As expected from a big bank in a big city. It took me a week to get a passbook using the app, and I couldn't find time to do so during business hours, so when I finally did, I went to the store, but was turned away without a trace. I told them that I was having trouble, but they said, "No, we have no choice but to use the app." You cannot open an account without making a reservation. I would like you to write this on your homepage in a big way. It was a waste of time and effort, and I felt even worse. Unless you are instructed to specify this branch, you should never open an account with this branch.

  • K M

    K M


    Mizuho Bank is located on the way from Shibuya Station to Miyamasuzaka. It's spacious and beautiful. I have never stood in line at the ATM here.

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