Mizuho Bank Chiba Branch in Chiba

JapanMizuho Bank Chiba Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-5-12 Fujimi, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0015, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 43-221-5361
webseite: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6106488, Longitude: 140.1173629

kommentare 5

  • 鈴木たろう



    When I canceled a portion of my Zaisei contract, the receptionist's response was quite sloppy and I was disgusted. I have 4 million yen in savings → I ended up with 6 million yen. There were about 6 careless mistakes like this in one procedure. I was seriously worried that my savings would be wiped out due to a mistake. I would like to cancel the contract if the company does not specify a bank for payment. If you trust this bank, you will be in trouble.

  • km km

    km km


    It's hard to find the location ATM on the 1st floor, store on the 4th floor with separate entrance I went to go through the procedure at 1430, and I was told how long it would take, and was told that I would be guided right away, so I filled out the paperwork, waited 20 minutes, and was finally called. I thought it was complete, but then I was asked to wait for a while again. I have other things to do, so I can go back after 1500. I arrived just before closing time, so it will take some time. They responded in a way that made them feel like they should have had more leeway. In the end, I was told coldly that I couldn't complete the procedure today if I left the store, so I couldn't complete the procedure. There's no branch nearby and I'm coming from far away for work, but I don't have any flexibility.

  • Ko O

    Ko O


    Even though the location has changed, I was fooled by all the photos of the old place. Even though I took a taxi, I ended up having to walk a long way. I won't be able to find it unless you request that old photos be deleted and post photos that show the exterior of newer stores, ATMs here, and counters here. By the way, instead of entering the ATM, go into the dark entrance on the left and take the elevator to the 4th floor. The young woman at the counter was kind and polite. There was a huge difference between the people in charge of the floor and the people who didn't, so I had to rewrite different pieces of paper and use the tablet again and again. . .

  • global guide

    global guide


    I used the bank teller and it was a great experience. First of all, I was impressed by how polite and kind the staff at the counter were. They were willing to respond to any questions or concerns that arose during the process. Thank you for your understanding and support regarding my problem. What surprised me even more was the speed of the process. They responded quickly to my requests and issues, and conducted quick investigations and procedures. There was very little waiting time and I was impressed with the efficient service. Bank procedures are usually stressful, but this experience was very smooth and helpful. I appreciate the professionalism and politeness of the staff at the counter. Overall, this bank's teller provided excellent service. I would like to use it again in the future. thank you very much.

  • Mikito Yokoi

    Mikito Yokoi


    Worst bank. . People who don't feel anything about making people wait. I was told that I had to wait for more than 60 minutes, and I had to stand in line until I received a waiting list. . A bank that closes the Mizuho Bank in front of the station and continues to inconvenience customers and does not improve the situation. . . I'm thinking of quitting.

nächste Bank

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