Mizoteganka Clinics in Takamatsu

JapanMizoteganka Clinics



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1111-1 Tahi Kamimachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-8076, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-806-1103
webseite: www.mizote-eye.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.2950618, Longitude: 134.0526529

kommentare 5

  • y t

    y t


    Even though the waiting time was long, the examination was over in just a few tens of seconds, and after only a short examination, they gave me some medicine.They didn't give any explanation at all, and even when I asked, they asked me to come out quickly. I feel confused every time I go to the doctor's office because they act like they're not caring at all and they don't care at all. Since my first visit, I have never had anything other than an intraocular pressure test, and I was not properly tested, so I got worried and went to another ophthalmologist.In the end, I found out that there were other symptoms than a stye, so I would like to have a proper test and medical examination. I cannot recommend this place to anyone. Parking is difficult because it also houses a dermatology and internal medicine department, and waiting times at the pharmacy are often long.

  • ポコポコ



    There is no other teacher like this. I believe he is a patient-first teacher!

  • ホロケウカムイ



    Even though it was my first visit, she treated me very well.

  • 山谷浩二



    I was called for an appointment at 10.30, but the consultation was finished at 11.30, so I don't know what the appointment was for. When paying, I asked for the prescription to be faxed to me, but I got a vague reply because I couldn't understand the number on the other end of the line, which was not the case at other internal medicine hospitals. What date would you like to make your next reservation? When I say it's enough, they don't say anything, and no matter how good the teachers are, if the staff are terrible, I won't go again.

  • じゅん



    It's been a long time since I visited the hospital for a different diagnosis than before. They will check your progress without you asking, This is a very kind clinic. I went without a reservation and even though it was crowded. The process from testing to consultation goes smoothly, so I don't think there is much waiting time. The teachers and staff are kind and polite.

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