Miyauchi Kids Dental Clinic i Kanazawa

JapanMiyauchi Kids Dental Clinic



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3-chōme-101 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8203, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-254-0513
internet side: m-k-d-c.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.5973422, Longitude: 136.6210067

kommentar 5

  • y y

    y y


    I was concerned about the discoloration of my 3-year-old daughter's front teeth, so I visited her. My daughter doesn't like doctors and gets violent just by looking at her, so I was very worried, but the doctors and staff were very kind and supportive of my daughter, and I was moved by everyone's warmth. . Without fear, my daughter got on the examination table and was excited and smiling at the sight of her teeth becoming clean. On the way home, I saw the patient happily saying, ``I had fun at the dentist! I want to go again!'' and I was really glad that I had visited the dentist. The coloring on my front teeth has become beautiful and I am very satisfied. This was the first time I had met a doctor who was so close to my child. I think I was able to experience the joy of brushing my teeth and the joy of being beautiful. "If you eat too many sweets, you'll get cavities!" my daughter says happily as she brushes her stuffed animal's teeth. I'm really thankful to you! !

  • y o

    y o


    He is a dentist specializing in pediatrics. I was introduced to the dentist that I used to go to and went to the affiliated hospital. At the affiliated hospital, I was told that it would be difficult to treat small children, so I should go to a pediatric dentist. This dentist has everything your child needs to receive treatment and can treat many things. Also, the staff, including the reception staff, are wonderful, and most of all, the doctors are really considerate of the children and their families, which is really helpful.

  • ami iwa

    ami iwa


    The attitude of the receptionist is not good. If you are even one minute late for your reservation, you will receive a phone call immediately. I was told that I was late and would have to wait for a while. Well, that can't be helped, but even if we arrive before the scheduled time, we'll have to wait 5 to 10 minutes after the reservation time. I was left waiting even after my reservation time, but I thought it would be a good idea to show some kind of attitude just because I was 1 minute late. You're very picky about time, but you're not on time either, right? You are right to stop going there.

  • momoka



    I think he is a teacher who conveys his seriousness because he cares about children. I was able to leave it to you with peace of mind. Reservations are required, so there's little waiting time and it's easy to visit.

  • TaRi



    I keep coming back! The teachers and other staff are kind to the children and feel at ease! There's a TV above the bed, and there are different flavors of medicine, so I'm jealous! Everything in the clinic is clean and very comfortable! Last time I visited, an older brother who restrained my child from crying because he didn't like cleaning said, ``Please don't bite the older sister's hand (who is performing the procedure)! '' over and over again, and even though the 2-year-old himself can't help but hate it, I thought that maybe his words were a little different.

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