Miyashita Dental Clinic w Mashiko

JaponiaMiyashita Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-11 Nanaichūō, Mashiko, Haga District, Tochigi 321-4107, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 285-72-7123
strona internetowej: miyashita-dc.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.4907819, Longitude: 140.0965255

komentarze 5

  • hona goto

    hona goto


    The clinic was clean, and the staff and teachers were kind and polite. I'm a bit anxious, so I asked a lot of questions, but he gave me convincing explanations until the end, so I was able to go to the hospital with peace of mind. I would like to continue to do my best.

  • å­¦ļ¼ˆć‚·ćƒ³ē¦é…’ē”Ÿę“»å§‹ć¾ć‚‹ļ¼‰



    I had a lot of bad experiences at the dentist in the past. My wife and I were recommended to this clinic because my periodontal disease was severe and my gums were swollen. I think the explanation of the treatment is thorough. He is a dentist that I feel comfortable going to.

  • a a

    a a


    I had been going to the hospital for a while, but the other day I was refused admission for some reason I don't remember. For some reason, I seem to have canceled my reservation multiple times. Moreover, the woman at the reception desk was giving me incomprehensible responses, making it difficult to understand her mumbling. It's funny here

  • ē›®äø¹purumanjinå››č²«ē›®



    My landlord and neighbors also go there, so I think he's a good dentist. Is it okay to have a tooth extracted at a general hospital? . Is that what you say? . I've never compared dentures, so I don't know, but I've only had them set up twice, and so far there's been no problem. I go and buy a whitening toothpaste tube that I can use every day, even without a doctor's appointment.

  • 3恕悓



    Even if you do not specify the day or time, it will take 10 days to make your next reservation. By the way, it took more than two weeks to make an appointment for the first visit. Furthermore, treatment cannot be performed with tests or X-rays at the first visit, so please be careful if you are in a hurry. It took more than three weeks for the first treatment to begin, so the condition worsened during that time. The day after my dental treatment and cleaning, I had a headache and my lips were swollen. At this time, the floss was forced through one area and the gums were damaged, allowing bacteria to enter and causing numbness in the lips. I couldn't take it anymore and I was filled with disbelief. I changed to another, bigger dentist. I made a reservation there and got it 3 days later. I regret that I should have chosen this from the beginning without compromising. When I informed the dentist about this, he said, ``I can see you today.'' How can a dentist who takes more than a month from the time of appointment to start working on the most painful tooth suddenly come to see you on the same day? It's very strange.

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