Kikuchi Dental Clinic w Utsunomiya

JaponiaKikuchi Dental Clinic



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2490-4 Ishiimachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0912, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-661-8548
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.5433542, Longitude: 139.9441136

komentarze 5

  • めるちゃん



    I go to school with a cavity. The teacher is kind and explains things in detail. I'm an amateur so I don't know how good it is, but I think it's good. I think the receptionist is a dental hygienist. There are times when I'm quite lazy. I notice that my change bill is really worn out every time. It is very troublesome to prepare cash, so I would like to be able to pay by card or code. It's too bad that they don't accept card payments these days.

  • るな



    I have been going to my children's dentist for many years. The doctor decided to have the tooth extracted at a university hospital and asked me to come and get a referral letter as soon as possible. When I contacted them a few days later, the dental hygienist who answered the phone said, ``It says in the medical record that it will be okay after 4 months.'' When I told her about the incident from my last visit, she said, ``The dental hygienist answered the phone.'' It says 4 months from now, so I was really impressed. No matter how many times I told the doctor, he never confirmed it, and he said something like, ``If you're going to say that much (even though it's okay after 4 months), if you'd like to come and pick it up sooner, please go ahead.'' I was worried. So I went to pick it up the week after my hospital visit. Immediately after that, I will be admitted to a university hospital and have a tooth extracted in less than 4 months. It's been about a month so far. I believed it and waited 4 months to get a referral letter and then went to the university hospital. Tooth extraction. So, was it really time? I wouldn't mind it if it was about me, but it's about my child...I'm just scared. Also, I wonder how they were able to make such a statement at that time without checking with a doctor...As a medical worker myself, I thought this was an event that was completely unbelievable.

  • t a

    t a


    The treatment is very gentle and thorough. She explained in detail how long the treatment would take, and it was very helpful as it was minimally painful.

  • いがぐり



    I used to go there before, but when I got my first bridge done, it took 2 days. I had dentures made, but they came off and broke within a week, and I had them repaired, but they broke again two weeks later. Money has been wasted. I will never go again.

  • haru suzu

    haru suzu


    I went in for a same-day appointment because my back tooth suddenly started hurting. Even though it was an emergency, I didn't have to wait long to see the doctor, and the hospital was very clean and tidy. Above all, all the staff, including the teachers, are very kind and gentle, and each explanation is easy to understand. It looks like I'll be able to go to the dentist again this time, something I've failed many times in the past. It's still my first time, so I'll do my best!

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