Mito Hospital i Sue

JapanMito Hospital


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115-483 Tabiishi, Sue, Kasuya District, Fukuoka 811-2221, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-935-3755
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Latitude: 33.5841722, Longitude: 130.4965754

kommentar 5

  • S K

    S K


    It's troubling that the fever outpatient doctor gets angry easily. It's the worst when it comes to I-sensei. I will never go there again.

  • トモとも



    An acquaintance of mine was admitted to this related facility for rehabilitation at the beginning of this year. He said this hospital was hell. The nurse had a really bad attitude and I was disappointed😭She warned me that the electricity bill was a waste when I was using the shaving machine while it was charging...It's impossible even though I was paying for it😱Hurry! I hope you can be discharged from the hospital 😔

  • kawamura



    All the teachers and staff are truly amazing! My father is now taking care of me, but my late mother should have been treated here...This is a hospital that thinks from the family's perspective. I have nothing but gratitude.

  • lucky



    The receptionist, pediatric nurses, and teachers are all so kind and I love them. There are no business-oriented people here who talk kindly to my children, and I feel like they understand how difficult it is to raise children, which is a relief. I am always indebted.

  • MITSUKI (みつき)

    MITSUKI (みつき)


    Compared to nearby clinics, the pediatrics department here is top notch. Dr. Fujiwara is kind to children and explains their current symptoms and what medicines to use, so it's easy to understand. Although the female teacher has only given vaccinations, she is considerate towards the children. I like the pediatric nurses because they are always smiling and kind.

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