Fukuoka Wajiro Hospital i Fukuoka

JapanFukuoka Wajiro Hospital


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2-chōme-2-75 Wajirogaoka, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, 811-0213, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-608-0001
internet side: www.f-wajirohp.jp
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Latitude: 33.6923115, Longitude: 130.4333814

kommentar 5

  • なぁぼう



    I recently visited Wajiro Hospital. I called an ambulance because I was having trouble breathing, but they told me it was crowded so I could see the doctor more quickly if I went to the hospital privately, so I went to Wajiro Hospital on my own. If there was no one around, I had to wait for over an hour to get the results, and when I got the results, they explained things to me in a rapid pace. He was mumbling, and the examination was a mess. The medication I was prescribed was not appropriate for my current condition, so I asked for this medication at the doctor's appointment, and they understood. Despite being told this, the pharmacist brought the medicine, but the medicine we had ordered was not there, and from our perspective, it was not available. Oh, is it true? I was told I was sorry. I had to wait for another 30 minutes, and in the end it took about 3 hours. I can't help but regret that I paid just 10,000 yen to such a random hospital. I don't want to go to this hospital again, and I'm a bad doctor. It's a really big hospital. You should believe the reviews.

  • lupin “key” jigen

    lupin “key” jigen


    My mother, who was suspected of suffering from a broken bone, may have contracted the coronavirus, so we took an ambulance for about two hours to find a hospital, and Wajiro Hospital took her in. As expected, I was informed that I had a fractured femur and needed immediate surgery, and the surgeon, with my mother by my side, performed the surgery successfully the next day, and I was able to stand the day after the surgery. The nurses, physical therapists, and occupational therapists all took great care of us, and although it was quite far from home, my mother wanted to be able to take care of her rehabilitation as well, so she stayed in the hospital for two months. I would like to thank the hospital staff for their warm hospitality during this time. This is one of the hospitals I would like to visit if something were to happen again. Thank you very much for your help.

  • D. kei

    D. kei


    A hospital that kicks out patients even when they are not feeling well. Even though I was brought to the hospital by ambulance because I was unconscious due to a fever of 41.7 minutes due to influenza, they did not allow me to be admitted to the hospital, and they quickly tried to get me out by telling me that I would be able to go home once my fever dropped to 38 degrees with an intravenous drip. I've had a fever for 41.7 minutes just now, so my body is finally dead. I asked if I couldn't be hospitalized, but since it wasn't serious, I couldn't. If you have a fever for 41.7 minutes, you are in serious condition! What should I do if I don't get an X-ray and it's pneumonia? When I was waiting in the waiting room for someone to pick me up, a man in a suit came and yelled at me to come home right away and that I should just take a taxi and kicked me out. The treatment is over, so please go home early.The waiting room is not a rest area. It would be unthinkable for a hospital to turn away a patient with a fever in the cold. It's best not to go to this hospital at all costs, and I wonder what kind of training the director provides. The qualifications of the director are being questioned.

  • K O

    K O


    I would be lying if I said that I don't have any complaints about the hospital, but it's not something I would get angry about, such as wishing things were done better, and I always tell the doctors and nurses, so I won't say anything about it this time. A nurse in the common room on the 4th floor ward yesterday? I was disgusted by the person who was yelling at me. I'm well aware of the feeling of wanting to get angry when your family doesn't treat you well, but couldn't you think of a location? Is that what the common room is like? The common room is used by everyone, including hospitalized patients. Don't you think that people around you won't feel bad if you talk about something serious in a place like that? I had come to see him and I had to leave the hospital room for a while, so I came to the common room to sit down. At first, I thought it might be a bad idea to go in, so I waited, thinking it would be over soon. However, I sat down, feeling apologetic as it didn't take long to finish. But he doesn't care and keeps getting angry. I wondered if it would be a good idea to continue talking even though someone else had arrived. I don't know much about it, so I don't know if the conference room can be used in situations like this, but is it usually a nurse? Don't you also suggest that family members talk in a private room somewhere? Even though I didn't want to hear it, I could hear it and it was really annoying. This is a long story, but I'm not saying you shouldn't complain, just think about the location. I don't want to bring down the reputation of the hospital, but I wanted to write this to anyone who may have any idea what happened. Excuse me.

  • かゆ



    A family member visited the hospital with a high fever, fatigue, and cough that had lasted for two weeks. I visited the emergency room and daytime outpatient clinic four times in two weeks. The first time I went to the emergency room, I had to wait for hours, and the doctor didn't give me any treatment, just prescribed fever-reducing medication. Payment of 13,000 yen. By the way, both coronavirus and influenza tests were negative. Antipyretics were not working and she was feeling extremely tired, so she visited the emergency room for the second time at the end of the year. I was about to be treated in the same way again, so why don't they take blood tests and X-rays even though I have such a fever and antipyretics aren't working? I checked it from here and tested it for the first time. The examination ended with explanations that even a layman could not understand, such as saying that my readings were high but I had a cold. I asked about the numbers, but was told that it was just a cold virus in my body. The third visit was also an emergency at the beginning of the year. The only thing I can do is administer an intravenous drip. I was told to go to the internal medicine outpatient clinic during the daytime on weekdays. When I went to see the doctor the next day, after waiting for three hours, I finally entered the examination room thinking it was a medical examination, but before I could even take my seat, a female internal medicine doctor suddenly started talking. It's a contagious syndrome. I was told that it was because my numbers had gone up in my last blood test, but is it too late now? Was it a medical mistake not to treat it at that time? There's too little coordination. It's already been 10 days since the last test, or no, the reason you didn't make a decision on the day of the test is because of your circumstances, right? Are you saying that you can't do an antibody test at this time? You guys made me wait, right? It's just the worst. Even when we talk about insurance-related matters, I'm adamant that I don't understand. If you don't know, why not ask the office? He doesn't understand what people say, and is a naive doctor with only a medical license. I don't want to go there again. Just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you're a tengu. It's not okay to criticize others.

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