Misu Dental Clinic en Sakurai

JapónMisu Dental Clinic


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1016-5 Ōdono, Sakurai, Nara 633-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 744-45-4618
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.517409, Longitude: 135.846182

comentarios 5

  • こたつ



    A long time ago, when I went to see this doctor, I found cavities one after another and had them treat me, but when I quit midway through and went to another clinic, I was told that there were no cavities. I think you should show the condition of the cavity before removing it.

  • dai



    I felt intense fear. When I said, ``I'm going to clean it,'' for some reason, he started scraping away at it, which caused pain and caused me to burn. After the tooth was removed, I asked him why, and he said that the cavity was bigger than he expected, but that it didn't meet the criteria for anesthesia at our hospital. Anesthesia contains impurities, and he doesn't want to administer it if possible. If so, I would like you to explain this to me before treatment. Everyone feels pain differently, and it's hard to have someone's opinion imposed on them. The worst teacher.

  • 杉本博樹



    I saw on TV that periodontal disease may be a contributing factor to myocardial infarction. I heard that this clinic puts a lot of effort into preventing periodontal disease, so I've been using it for several years. I have my teeth removed regularly and my periodontal pockets cleaned, but it feels so good that I tend to doze off, causing trouble for the dental hygienist. It's a very nice dental clinic with soothing music playing.

  • 鈴木洋平



    During a regular checkup at work, a cavity was detected in my tooth, so I had it treated, and I was able to find a good dentist. In the past, I happened to go to a dentist who was negligent in treating cavities and ended up having to undergo nerve treatment, so I was looking for a dentist I could trust. I came to the Kansai region for work, so I asked a colleague who lives in the same area for recommendations, and they came up with this clinic. I'm glad that he was very thorough in his examination and found even the smallest cavities in my teeth that had been overlooked during the company's checkups. The treatment and response from the doctor and staff was very good, so I will continue to visit here if I feel something is wrong with my teeth. We also recommend that you have your teeth removed on a regular basis.

  • テンガイテン



    No matter when you go, he will explain the treatment to you in detail. The hospital is also clean and has a very nice feel.

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