Mister Donut en Kobe

JapónMister Donut



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105, 5-chōme-2-1 Wakamatsuchō, Nagata Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 653-0038, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 78-641-2001
sitio web: www.misterdonut.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6560249, Longitude: 135.1453704

comentarios 5

  • HAYAマル子



    Since you can choose the style yourself from a transparent case, you can choose carefully. I usually order take-out, but the inside of the restaurant is large and relatively empty, so I think I can relax more than at the Itayaku store.

  • K - K

    K - K


    The inside of the store is spacious, so it's perfect for relaxing. I'm glad that I can get a refill for my coffee. The staff is polite and attentive, so you will have a comfortable stay.

  • Vinh Long Hoang

    Vinh Long Hoang


    Great place.

  • 池田真子



    If you put on the help mark, the number of people will increase. He carried the tray from the register to my seat. Sometimes the friendliness of the cashier differs from person to person. They even greeted me when I returned it to the return slot. There are some people who don't.

  • ヒロコさん



    I'm shopping here to get a schedule book for next year. You can get it by using a coupon on Santaro's Day, which is exclusive to au smartphones.

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