Cafe Yom Pan en Kobe

JapónCafe Yom Pan



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7-chōme-1-14 Kitanagasadōri, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0012, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 78-371-1289
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6851011, Longitude: 135.1795809

comentarios 5

  • 小椋嘉子



    This cafe has three floors, and meals are served from the kitchen on the first floor. I thought that the shopkeeper's strength would not weaken. There was plenty of water in a beautiful colored bottle, so I thought I wouldn't have to worry about getting thirsty during the summer season. The focaccia was crispy and delicious.

  • パン好き



    Yompan is located about 3 minutes walk from Hankyu Hanakuma Station. Available for morning, lunch, cafe, and takeout. You order on the first floor and eat on the second floor, but you can take off your shoes on the third floor, so it's perfect for people with babies. Please note that the stairs are steep and narrow, so you cannot bring a stroller up the stairs. Also, if you are physically challenged, the stairs may be difficult. The owner is a lovely man who nimbly goes up and down the steep stairs over and over to bring you cute bottles of water and the meals you order. There are many single people on the second floor, of various ages, and it is also very popular with men! The focaccia lunch is hearty, and the side salads, yogurt, and small sweets are also very delicious. The cafe au lait was delicious and served in a large mug, and I was impressed. That's 700 yen...I feel very sorry. Take-out focaccia was also available for 100 yen, and there were also many baked goods. The cuteness and uniqueness of the shop, the concept of enjoying a meal while reading a book, the deliciousness of the food, sweets, and coffee made with a lot of effort, the owner's casual way of talking to's just perfect! If it was nearby, I would want to go there every day♪

  • はやしゆ



    cafe yom pan Order on the 1st floor, eat-in on the 2nd floor. The number of seats is quite small, so You should also consider taking out ◎ Focaccia set is Is 600 yen including drink sane? That's what I thought When I went to the store, they even had daily specials. I ordered smoked salmon. For mini salad and focaccia, Drinks (additional charge applies for orders over 400 yen), Mini yogurt and mini desserts are amazing. Not only is it affordable, The taste was delicious and other things I was interested in. I should have taken out... Because the cream cheese contains walnuts, The texture is an accent, The bread itself is delicious and well-balanced ◎ It was a one-off surgery, so the timing was bad. It looks like it will take some time to be provided.

  • Di Aggal

    Di Aggal


    Nice place for a mid morning snack. Highly recommended. The owner is manning everything so you’ll need to be patient. Portions are relatively small but more than reasonable for the price. Had the focaccia smoked salmon set. Delish

  • パルプンテ神戸



    Yompan, a three-story cafe located in the Hanakuma area, is an attractive shop run by a handsome young man. Inside the store, you can feel the slow flow of time, and the space is perfect for reading. In particular, there are many old magazines from over 10 years ago introducing restaurants in Kobe, which are worth reading. The tatami room on the third floor has a cozy atmosphere that makes you feel like you're visiting someone else's living room. There are many books here as well, so you can relax. The secret to Cafe Yompan's popularity is the homemade focaccia sandwich served in the morning. It's packed with plenty of ingredients and comes at an amazing price of 600 yen and comes with a drink. Roast pork, braised apples, Camembert cheese, and carrot rapé combine in a well-balanced manner to create a delicious sandwich. Yompan is a cafe recommended for those who want to enjoy a delicious morning meal in a comfortable space.

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