Minoo Aomatani Post Office en Minoh

JapónMinoo Aomatani Post Office



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒562-0023 Osaka, Minoh, Aomataninishi, 2-chōme−6−1 103
contactos teléfono: +81 72-729-4464
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8445044, Longitude: 135.5088149

comentarios 5

  • Joha



    I made several mistakes on my EMS forms paperwork and the two female staff members were incredibly helpful to alter and correct the forms and reprint them (more than once). I highly recommend the store if you’re unfamiliar with international postage process, as the facilities are very modern and simple. There is a separate and external ATM. The parking is convenient and spacious for all vehicles: bicycle, motorbike and car.

  • ラムタル



    A small post office located in the Minoh Ao Danchi and Ao Shopping Center.




    There's plenty of parking, so it's convenient for shopping. The staff members are also very efficient. There is only one ATM, so it is often crowded.

  • Kei Tokunaga

    Kei Tokunaga


    I went to transfer the application fee for the new spurious response for amateur radio, and they kindly allowed me to be present during the transfer. Since I am an elderly person, I thought it might have been a wire transfer fraud, but I was able to transfer the money with peace of mind. I am grateful.

  • 李日臻



    When I asked them about a problem that could not be resolved at another post office, they took responsibility and resolved it amicably. I feel like a professional. All the staff are kind and serious. Recommended.

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