Mielparque Osaka Post Office en Osaka

JapónMielparque Osaka Post Office



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-6-35 Miyahara, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6350-2280
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7366868, Longitude: 135.4942483

comentarios 5

  • Y



    Mielparque Osaka Post Office is closed. 2024.1.19 --------------------------------------------- It's a very nice post office, spacious and clean, and the employees are kind and kind. There are many business travelers, so there are sometimes long wait times, but the postal counters are quick and efficient. I aim for the early morning hours because they are free, but when it's busy I go to a different post office.

  • てつです。(てつです。)



    It's about a 5-6 minute walk from Shin-Osaka Station. Shin-Osaka Station is large, so if you take the wrong exit, you'll be in trouble. Post office and complex. There are hotels and concert halls. It's a facility that has been around for a long time.

  • Takanari Saeki

    Takanari Saeki


    This post office is located in the Mielparque Osaka complex near Shin-Osaka Station. It is not located in front of the building, but on the side, sandwiched between the hotel entrance and the parking lot entrance. Because it is in the shadow due to the shape of the building, If there was no signboard indicating the post office, it would be a little difficult to find. The mailbox is located along the road, but there is also an opening to drop in your mail at the counter just after entering the office. Perhaps because of the location, there are many corporate offices nearby. I often see people sending out large amounts of work-related mail.

  • Ghislaine Kersten

    Ghislaine Kersten


    Great service - professional, efficient, polite. It can be quite busy, but I don’t mind, because I can trust the staff members to do their best. There seems to be a good atmosphere among the staff, too.

  • rumi nitta

    rumi nitta


    When I went there during my lunch break on a weekday, the mail reception was quite busy. Maybe it was because it was the beginning of the year, but when I got a ticket to get in line, there were 46 people waiting. It seems that some people just got tickets and left without waiting, and about 1/3 of them said they weren't there even when their number was called. The postal receptionist worked quickly and responded to requests one after another.

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