Ministop Nagoya Jonancho Shop i Nagoya

JapanMinistop Nagoya Jonancho Shop



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15-22 Jōnanchō, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 463-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-793-7388
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.201252, Longitude: 136.9694345

kommentar 5

  • n yu

    n yu


    The male clerk's attitude was very bad. I thought you were angry.

  • 石田優希



    The female clerk wearing glasses had a bad attitude from beginning to end. He didn't respond to my order, and when I was at the register, he suddenly slapped my hand out, confused me. In the end, a different clerk handed me the item, but it was scary to see him with his legs crossed and staring at me. I don't want to go anymore.

  • モナリザ(モナ)



    A short man with glasses who is in the morning female staff Your attitude is too bad Pay at the cash register where you pay by yourself The elderly person in line in front of me paid on the table. After I left it there, I picked it up, clearly angry. Press the touch panel while making a banging sound. It was unpleasant to see this happen right in front of me. The cash register staff was grumpy but silent. I asked for a hot snack, but he didn't respond. Can you at least say thank you at the end? While waiting for it to be re-fried The person peeled off the film while refilling the cigarettes. It's okay to throw it in the trash Meaning of pushing in with your foot What you do in front of customers... I don't think this is possible in the customer service industry.

  • Mingzong



    Earlier today, I had a surly female employee around 30 years old work the cash register. There were no words like welcome or thank you. The store has been in the neighborhood for a long time, and I have been able to use it conveniently. In addition, outdoor trash cans are often overflowing.

  • うーみん第4管区



    2021 (Reiwa 3) 4/23 16:00~ My main bank is Ministop, and I use the ATM frequently for free. The size of the store is perfect, but the parking lot has a special shape with a horizontal row. If you use the one-way street on the left side of the store, you can get to the main street relatively easily. You need to be very careful when entering and exiting the parking lot.

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