7-Eleven i Gifu




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3-chōme-11-16 Nishinakajima, Gifu, 502-0916, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 58-233-5666
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.426711, Longitude: 136.7213234

kommentar 5

  • UEKIようたママ



    There are frankfurters and sausages. When I said ``Frankfurt,'' the lady working at the store asked, ``Do you want the big one or the small one?'' ” and I said, “On the long and thin side.” The short end of the sausage was included 💧 I haven't heard it at all lol It's sausage, so the shorter one was included. There's no way you heard it wrong twice, so you didn't hear it. What was that...

  • 焼肉食べたい



    There wasn't much space in the parking lot, so I parked a little far away.I caused a bit of trouble for the staff due to my mistake, but was it okay without making a single unpleasant look? He was a young boy. He was a wonderful boy. Thank you.

  • mad 13

    mad 13


    The eat-in corner cannot be used as of December 25, 2021. Disinfectants are also located far away from the entrance, and customers enter and exit without disinfecting. There is room for improvement! .

  • やなしょう1965



    The parking lot was large, but there was no space for large cars, and the restrooms were very clean. There was also an eat-in space, but it was unavailable due to the coronavirus. Although it was a corner store at an intersection, it was easy to enter and exit. There was a wide variety of breads available.

  • yuji



    Why does the lady with the tempa glasses have a loose mouth? I don't need to be that familiar just because I'm young. Please serve customers properly If you are a manager, please reply if you see this. Looking at other people's reviews doesn't give me any praise. Please improve as there are many users.

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