Ministop i Atsugi




🕗 åbningstider

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4-chōme-7-1 Asahichō, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 46-229-7288
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.4333277, Longitude: 139.3671439

kommentar 5

  • d te

    d te


    Worst customer service stare at me silently There are people who mistakenly think they are the best. The toilet is extremely dirty At restaurants and convenience stores, you can tell whether the store is good or bad by looking at the restroom. Many people doubt humanity.

  • 凪なぎ



    I often stop by in the morning on my way to work, but perhaps because they have a self-checkout system, the clerk is inside and doesn't come out. Of course, there's no greeting. Even if there are several customers waiting at the cash register, there are times when the clerk does not come out. It's a convenience store that I don't really want to stop by.

  • 藤木涼介



    I came to the store in the morning of November 26th and was surprised at how kind the clerk in the tinted glasses was despite his appearance. They are kind and kind, and I think it would be great if there were more people like this at this store.

  • kokoro mochizuki

    kokoro mochizuki


    What's wrong with the morning shift?The lady with the two-letter last name has a really bad customer service attitude. I've had bad experiences three times in a row so I won't be going again. Why are you so bossy? It's a convenience store, so I'm not looking for pleasant customer service. However, there is no even the bare minimum of courtesy between strangers. All student part-time workers provide normal customer service.

  • 松


    I went on a Saturday night in May 2023 after 7pm. The parking lot can accommodate 7.8 cars. The front of the store was almost dimly lit to save energy. The store wasn't that big and the selection wasn't very good, probably because it was night, so I went home without buying anything.

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