Ministop en Shiroishi




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23-1 Hanzawayashikimae, Shiroishi, Miyagi 989-0259, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 224-24-3732
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.0100597, Longitude: 140.6226878

comentarios 5

  • パピパピキノマズン



    I went to buy bittersweet coffee jelly to mix and drink. Part-time job brother Very kind and polite customer service This is so scary To be honest, I don't use Ministop very often, but the customer service was so good that I decided to go there from time to time.

  • 山木重聰



    There is a very large parking lot Easy to park Is it normal for a store? As usual Use to eat mango I like ministop sweets.

  • ぬまし“ゆうこりん”ゆうこ



    Today I came to make copies of materials for my hobby club. One side is cheap at ¥5. If it is a large size, it will cost ¥10! I had to endure my favorite soft serve ice cream. I'll eat it next time.

  • くりーむそーだ



    I was only made to pay for the paid ketchup, and it didn't come with ketchup. It's happened not just once, but many times. You should be careful when working as a young part-time worker.

  • ちびちゅう



    Arrived after 13:00 There were only 2 customers including myself. A female staff member came out from the back without a mask. Even after that, I don't know if it was me or the staff. I was taking a Chinese manga while talking without a mask. To put it bluntly, this is impossible in this day and age. There was no common sense to wear a mask as soon as you saw a customer. Moreover, the store is very noisy. A male staff member and a customer were talking at the entrance. It was disturbingly small. It's clearly the worst I'm sorry for the customer service industry.

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