Lawson Iwanuma Matsugaoka en Iwanuma

JapónLawson Iwanuma Matsugaoka



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
3-chōme-4-14 Matsugaoka, Iwanuma, Miyagi 989-2456, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 223-23-9558
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.1131617, Longitude: 140.845868

comentarios 5

  • 佐々木寛斗



    The toilet smells strange. I come here every day because it's close to my workplace, but it smells bad every day.

  • はじめ



    The owner may be at the cash register on weekday mornings, but the customer service is disappointing. Although the number of customers continues, we can see that ``convenience stores are the place to be.'' I bought two bottled drinks, but they were shuffled into a plastic bag and made a lot of noise. I ordered coffee, but I didn't disinfect my hands with alcohol. Even though I had presented my card such as Ponta card or d point card in advance, I did not notice it when I paid the bill. When I told them, the answer was, "You'll have to start over from the beginning, right?" Instead of responding, it seemed as though I was asking an impossible question. It doesn't check to see if you have a card in the first place. I didn't want to complain about the point card, but since this was not the only time I had to deal with the disappointing situation, I would like to write about it.

  • kunie tanaka

    kunie tanaka


    The customer service from the older man at night was good. It's unrelated, but there was a bothersome customer browsing, and when I tried to be authentic, he clicked his tongue several times and made a warning sound. Is it a wild animal? (LOL) I guess that's the one that's annoying. (LOL) I sometimes see old people like this (LOL)

  • くろちゃん



    Owner couple? 's customer service is inferior to that of a part-time job. Not only are you welcome There were times when I was not even told that it was 〇〇 yen. I don't particularly expect great customer service from a convenience store. If you are not willing to do it, I think you should change to another owner. I don't go anymore.

  • 金城幸子



    ☆MC FROZEN COFFEE 295 yen It was placed at the ice cream counter. Range up time is 500W 70 seconds Shari Shari Frozen ❤️ The cream was so sweet that I ate it first ♬ Then I had the bittersweet coffee ♡ It was quite delicious ♫ It was delicious~ Thank you for the feast

Tienda de conveniencia más cercano

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