Minato Bank Fujiwaradai in Kobe

JapanMinato Bank Fujiwaradai



🕗 öffnungszeiten

エコールリラ2 Sourth Building, 1-chōme-2-2 Fujiwaradai Nakamachi, Kita Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-1302, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 78-987-1200
webseite: www.minatobk.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8212496, Longitude: 135.2209536

kommentare 5

  • 杉本恵子



    The elderly receptionist's response was terrible. I was next in line, so I waited, hoping someone would respond to me right away, but even after about 15 minutes, no one answered, and I was told that the work I was doing was taking up my time. If it seemed like it was going to happen, I should have asked one of the staff members who was there to help, but I got so frustrated that I called out to the staff member next to me. The state in which it was hung. I would like you to have a broader perspective.

  • moon jazz

    moon jazz


    The elderly woman at the counter is not very responsive. Please take the number 1 card while interrupting me talking! I declared. I may have interfered with your work, but you are dealing with a customer, so I think it would be a good idea to reconsider how you treat them. After that, a young bank employee followed up.

  • あーちゃん



    It's always crowded. It is best to make an appointment for loan consultation. They kindly explain.

  • 石田旭



    The receptionist's response is very poor. impossible. That person also spoke harshly to other customers, and I could see that the customers were deeply irritated. Since you are now a full-fledged adult, I think you should think about how you say things.

  • ハルジオン野花



    There are also many ATMs which is helpful. I was really surprised to see so many well-mannered people waiting in line. The bank counter service is also very good. ,

nächste Bank

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