SMBC Okamoto in Kobe

JapanSMBC Okamoto



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-3-25 Okamoto, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0072, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-043-195
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.72695, Longitude: 135.27581

kommentare 5




    There used to be a dedicated ATM building two doors down, but that is no longer there, and the ATM machines are chronically crowded. It is especially crowded on the 50th day. The counter is chronically crowded. Basically, the counter will not respond unless you make a reservation. I would like to see a more user-friendly response.

  • 佳子



    The response is too harsh. What about the toilet? If you ask me, it's not here. And only unkind. It's a little bit more due to the procedure, so what are you currently doing? I had no idea, and even though it wasn't very busy, I had to wait 50 minutes. I got angry and called for her to go home, but the female clerk hid in the backyard and didn't come out. We respond, but we don't think of them as customers. It's as if it's my fault for not making a reservation to come to the store. When I receive an apology from a senior person, I laugh and try to cover it up with words. I know Sumitomo Bank from a long time ago, so I can only say it's a shame, and I wonder what's going on. I think. It's been over 30 years, but I no longer do business with them.

  • 立川英基



    Poor response! There is no explanation for only one type of product, whether there is a product they want to sell or if there is a quota. Although it has nothing to do with the branch, I later learned that the telephone operators at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation were terrible. I was passed around a lot, I got called back

  • planet lonly

    planet lonly


    When I told the receptionist that I couldn't disinfect with alcohol because I was allergic to alcohol, he gave me a bitter look that I could see through his mask. I've never received such a look when I told them about it at other stores, so I was disappointed that the receptionist, who is the face of the store, treated me like that. He has short black hair.

  • quisine



    It is conveniently located about a 3-minute walk from the station and is open until midnight. (until 21:00 on Sundays)

nächste Bank

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