Mikuni Yokohama w Yokohama

JaponiaMikuni Yokohama



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒220-0011 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Nishi Ward, Takashima, 2-chōme−19−12, Sky Building, 29階
kontakt telefon: +81 45-442-0430
strona internetowej: www.mikuni-yokohama.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.4644316, Longitude: 139.624707

komentarze 5

  • hiro “kiss shot” n

    hiro “kiss shot” n


    This place is famous for its famous French cuisine. The top floor of the Sky Building? The view is very nice, but you'll have to make a reservation early to get a window seat. It's quite expensive, so you can only go there on really special occasions. The inside of the store is simple but stylish. All the dishes are hand-crafted and taste incomprehensibly delicious. The course was designed to actively use local ingredients. I get the impression that many of the dishes take advantage of the strengths of each ingredient and can be combined with complex sauces to create a variety of flavors. The food was delivered in a timely manner, and before I knew it, time had flown by. Of course, the staff's service was top-notch, and I had a pleasant day.

  • f0304



    It was very delicious. For the amuse, the carrots and tender chicken flavored with coriander and cumin will increase your appetite. The smelt tempura salad used parsley and celery, but it had no taste at all and was very easy to eat. The new onion soup not only brought out the sweetness of the ingredients to the maximum, but also included crunchy onions to enjoy the texture, making it very delicious. Unfortunately, the pan-fried flounder was made into a soup and overlapped with the previous soup, making it a little tough. The main dish, grilled Japanese black beef, had just the right amount of saltiness and went perfectly with the red wine-based sauce and refreshing wasabi cream, making it extremely delicious. It was quite voluminous and went perfectly with the red wine. The dessert used strawberry jam, but it was quite sweet and thick, and I felt it was a waste because it didn't have the flavor of the pistachio cream.

  • Melisa



    It's an elegant restaurant perfect for special occasions. The view is amazing and the atmosphere is very romantic. The staff is professional and very attentive. They visited our table frequently to fill our drinks and there was no wait in between courses. Everything was timed perfectly. The food is prepared with a lot of care for detail and all ingredients shine beautifully in every dish. Since it was my birthday, I received a beautiful chocolate cake decorated with flowers. After blowing the candles, the staff will pack the cake to-go and serve the dessert on the menu. This was great as I had another treat to look forward to at home.

  • quasox wartune

    quasox wartune


    Great ambiance, food quality and service. And if you're lucky ..a great view





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