Mifune Post Office in Mifune

JapanMifune Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

19 Takigawa, Mifune, Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto 861-3299, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-282-0042
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.7153625, Longitude: 130.7986142

kommentare 5

  • 巾*M



    It seems to have been built on the site of the former Kumanobe Railway's Mifune Station.

  • Haise



    It was a normal post office. People are quick to give bad reviews, but rarely give good reviews. There were some staff members who seemed a little unreliable (☆-1), but there were also staff members who had smiles that could be seen even through their masks. Even when a selfish old lady wanted to pay for something she couldn't pay at the post office, she apologized many times and treated me kindly and sincerely.

  • T M

    T M


    The response at the baggage counter is really slow. There is no consideration for the people in line.

  • L K

    L K


    The closing time was 17:00, but when I went to pick up my luggage at around 16:30, it was already closed.

  • Apache Tomcat

    Apache Tomcat


    [Actual experience! ] Pick up your luggage at the station. I don't know if it's because it's a rural post office and they're not used to handling EMS, but I kept them waiting too long even though there were no customers. I was shocked to see 3 or 4 of the station staff in front of the baggage and they started chatting and laughing. On the way, I would understand if you just said a word, but I kept making you wait until I spoke to you. Also, I had to take the trouble to open and check the enclosed documents, but since the package has passed through customs, there is no need for you to check it. In the end, I don't understand what he was doing carelessly until the end. Unlike the East Post Office, this counter was notable for its wasted time and poor handling.

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