Kumamoto Kusunoki Post Office in Kumamoto

JapanKumamoto Kusunoki Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-9-15 Kusunoki, Kita Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8003, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-338-8055
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8493651, Longitude: 130.7574682

kommentare 5

  • はは



    Stamp stickers are always sold out and I can't buy them. What does it mean that you can't buy stamps at the post office? Is there some sort of quota for stamp stickers, and is there a rule that they cannot be left unsold?

  • taiki Kuro

    taiki Kuro


    Unfriendly. My banknotes were bent at the ATM and wouldn't read, so I asked if I could exchange them, but the service was very unfriendly. They didn't even tell me why they couldn't replace it. When I looked into it later, I found out that Japan Post Bank (post office) does not support this.I was very dissatisfied and wondered why they didn't tell me at that time. I should have said so if the regulations said so, but it was the worst feeling.

  • かしもりきくこ



    The staff are quick to respond, so you can get your work done quickly.

  • tuiteru tuiteru

    tuiteru tuiteru


    Thank you for always responding promptly.

  • hiro 165

    hiro 165


    They were kind and polite. I was thinking of using this place from now on.

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