MG Shop Kamigamo en Kyoto

JapónMG Shop Kamigamo



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒603-8083 Kyoto, Kita Ward, Kamigamo Mukainawatechō, 35−35
contactos teléfono: +81 75-723-7030
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.056415, Longitude: 135.761818

comentarios 5

  • 橋本英一



    There is a wonderful concert hall in a separate building with a rare grand piano. The sound is great.

  • す〜さん



    The store also has Onishi meat, which looks great. The interior of the store is larger and shopping is much easier. Yes!

  • NichaNicha BangeeGum

    NichaNicha BangeeGum


    A tall man who seemed to be a newcomer took longer than me because he made a mistake at the cash register, but he was working hard. I was very impressed with how focused he was on his work. Although he had a long and intimidating face, he served customers with a cheerful smile. Although it was a bit shabby, I would like to serve customers again.

  • ringo apple

    ringo apple


    Large parking lot, easy to park🚗 The steaks at Onishi's meat sale are very satisfying. Reasonable and satisfying meal In times like these, I want to have some luxury at home🍴

  • 川上達也



    Although the store is L-shaped, there is only a cash register on one side, which is a bit of an inconvenience. However, there were miscellaneous goods priced at 100 yen, and there was Ginkakuji Onishi... I think many people find it helpful that the store is open until a little later than other supermarkets in the area.

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