Fresco - Momoyama en Kyoto

JapónFresco - Momoyama



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
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Sábadoabierto 24 horas
Classic : Kan, 205-1 Kannonjichō, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8101, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-623-2761
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9330507, Longitude: 135.7658326

comentarios 5

  • 真希波弘樹



    I just spent about 5,000 yen shopping at the supermarket. At that time, I was attracted to Butamen Yakisoba cup noodles and my head turned into Butamen. After paying the bill, I forgot to show my point card and there were no other customers. ``Excuse me. Can I get points after paying the bill?'' I asked a young part-time worker. "Oh, sorry, I don't understand," I said. "No, it's probably not possible, so it's okay. It's my fault for forgetting to present it," she apologized with a smile. As I was putting the things I bought into the bag, the older brother from earlier contacted the store manager via intercom. “Customer, I think you can earn points, so excuse me, but could I keep your card and the receipt from earlier?” He said. I was surprised, but it seemed like he explained the situation to the store manager again in the backyard, and the store manager took care of the procedure for adding points. Afterwards, the part-time worker saw customers lined up at the cash register, so he said, I bowed my head and left the store, but he was a wonderful man. When I was working with a sister at the same affiliated store, I showed my card and it was snatched, and when I returned it, it was thrown at me. I was surprised at the difference. I thought that because I went to a relatively cheap supermarket, the quality of my part-time job was poor. It was really good to see people working so seriously and trying to bring smiles to customers. I would like to wish this wonderful brother the best of luck in the future. Needless to say, I have decided to shop at this store in the future. I'm really thankful to you.

  • c s

    c s


    There was mold growing on the strawberries, but I didn't notice it when I bought it because it was out of sight. I ran out of toilet paper in the middle of the night, so I bought Fresco toilet paper twice in a row. (Trial period is about half a year) I used to use double toilet paper, but since using Fresco toilet paper, it has become clogged badly. I have used double in other products and the method of use is the same, so why is this?

  • 光


    Fresco Momoyama store is for me This is an indispensable store that is available anytime. This time, Fresco's original osechi I pre-ordered it. The products are good, the taste is good, and the food is polite. Thank you for the greeting and packaging. I used to buy expensive osechi dishes supervised by a famous chef, but most of them were disappointing. Fresco's osechi is by far the highest grade. I would like to thank the store staff who work early in the morning for their kindness as well. ☺️☺️☺️

  • Patty



    Conveniently placed right next to Momoyama Goryomae station. Good selection of products and fast check out with automatic cashier service.

  • ナイトウモリユキ



    24h ! Good(^_-)🌠🅿🚗!

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