めし処福助 in Iwaki




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Tatsumichō-43-1 Onahama, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8101, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 246-92-5222
webseite: www.lalamew.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.9442589, Longitude: 140.9052865

kommentare 5

  • S I

    S I


    There's nothing I can do about it since it's a tourist price, but I was a little disappointed that the sashimi on the bowl was thin and the volume was small. I wish it had a little more volume to match the price. The miso soup bowl was unnecessarily large, but unfortunately there were no seafood ingredients, only seaweed seaweed. The boiled conger eel bowl is the most recommended.

  • 皆川一



    I ate the recommended bowl. Among restaurants in tourist areas, the quantity, quality, and price are all good. I am also very happy with the bright, cheerful, and courteous service of the staff members. I would love to hear from you again. The photo shows the recommended bowl (I ate half of it) and a sample of it in the store.

  • K.カズト



    I'm an amateur when it comes to seafood, but I can't really taste things like tuna and octopus. Also, what does it mean that the seafood bowl and chirashi bowl (kids) don't have vinegar on the piping hot rice? This is the first time I've eaten such a bad seafood bowl in my life. Everyone please be careful.

  • Takahiro Kawami

    Takahiro Kawami


    I received today's recommended bowl. There are no photos of the menu items on the table, so I think it's better to look carefully at the photos at the entrance before entering the store. Photo 1-3 August 2024

  • モモピーチ



    Since we came to Iwaki, we decided to eat seafood at Iwaki La La Myu. The person who interrupted me was Fukusuke-san. Menu: Fukusuke Nigiri 2,600 yen In addition to nigiri, this set includes miso soup and fried Mexicali. Mexicali is delicious, but it's cold. The freshness of the sushi was also questionable. A conveyor belt sushi restaurant seemed more reasonable. Is it okay to have a menu like this at that price? Honestly, I was disappointed. Don't you think that the fish from Fukushima Iwaki won't be delicious if it's in a place with a lot of tourists? Honestly, I was worried about that. It's located in Laramyuu, so I'd like them to do a little better.

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