Chukamenshokubo Sanpotei Iwakiyumototen in Iwaki

JapanChukamenshokubo Sanpotei Iwakiyumototen



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Kanayama-240-4 Jōbannishigōmachi, Iwaki, Fukushima 972-8316, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 246-38-5377
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.9860558, Longitude: 140.8549418

kommentare 5

  • 粒来総建



    A store I go to sometimes! It was late afternoon, but there were about 3 groups waiting. I ordered Paitan Ramen, which I sometimes want to eat! Miso is even more delicious if you eat it once in a while! The customer service was from a foreign country, but they also spoke Japanese well and were polite. Good luck in Japan!

  • Mii a

    Mii a


    Gomoku Umanimen is good. It looks like a store sign I wonder why I ordered a different one~ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ*)Ahaha A friend ordered it I don’t like the ramen with the dried sardine soup that comes with the set (т-т) Fried rice and gyoza too (т-т) Ahhh ( ・᷄д・᷅ ) It is better to eat recommended food The staff seemed nice. Thank you for the meal.

  • MITSU102



    I went there for lunch. The staff are kind and nice. There's a long wait here at lunchtime. There's an empty counter seat. It seems like the food won't be served in time. The counter seats here slide back and forth. Because of this, it is difficult to find a position. Quite a spacious space You can eat in peace. Also, The bean paste dishes here are piping hot and delicious. The menu also includes gyoza, fried rice, and ramen. There are so many types that I always get confused. What I order every time is Gomoku Umani Noodles. It seems to be Sanbo-tei's recommended menu. Ramen with hot gomoku ankake It takes a lot. Please try it if you have a chance.

  • きむ



    This is my third visit. As expected, the gomoku umanimen noodles were consistently delicious. It seems that each restaurant requires a qualification to prepare fried rice. Therefore, it goes without saying that the taste is exquisite. I think the staff are very energetic and very nice. I would definitely like to go again. Gomoku Umani Noodles is definitely recommended.

  • cool toshimon

    cool toshimon


    2022.9.24 Sat / lunch

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