MESA Okuwa Kita-tomigaoka Store w Nara

JaponiaMESA Okuwa Kita-tomigaoka Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-12-18 Kitatomigaoka, Nara, 631-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 742-53-7575
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.7241289, Longitude: 135.7691294

komentarze 5

  • S S

    S S


    If you go at night or just before closing time, you will see unpleasant scenes of employees. A thin, black-haired middle-aged male employee wearing an apron wanders around the store department. There was a plump woman with long permed hair in casual clothes clinging to her side. The two of us walk around the sales floor, stop and talk, and move around the store together, moving around in a rather lazy manner as we spend our working hours. It's the same combination of middle-aged men and women every time. Isn't it obviously more efficient to go around the store alone, checking the freshness, checking the food, etc.? If this was a student working part-time, and there was a girl around his age wearing casual clothes next to him, he would be young and had no social experience, so I would just watch over him in case he would get a warning from the employees. Both of them are of a certain age, and wouldn't they realize that if they were doing this frequently in the sales floor, it would be a nuisance to their shopping experience, and that customers would notice it strangely? I think men have a title or are full-time employees. What's the point of employees spending hours wandering around the store talking to the same people in plain clothes every time? It just looks like I'm slacking off to kill time at work. Every time I look around the various corners of a store during a single shopping trip, I come across them in various departments, and I really hate it when I see it, and I lose my desire to buy. There are some people who are working hard, but is the sales floor at night when the number of customers is low a place to talk in private? I've lived near here for about 10 years, and even though a new supermarket was built, I still like this supermarket the most.I love the store's special sweets, seasonings, confectionery ingredients, and fish selection. The freshness of the store is good, the seasonal products are purchased, the layout (the display corner between the cash register and the service counter), and I can feel the sense and attention to detail in every aspect of the store.I really like this store, but the quality of the store is degraded because of the employees. It's very unfortunate. I would like the employees to make improvements so that they can feel comfortable walking around the sales floor when shopping.

  • mpon mpon

    mpon mpon


    They carry rare items that you don't find in other supermarkets, and the side dishes and sweets are fun and delicious. Okwa brand products are also of very high quality and are highly recommended. The price is a little high, but I'm going with that in mind so the fun wins out šŸ’“ The entire store has a pleasant atmosphere, maybe the lighting is different...? What! In any case, I can feel that there is some ingenuity. Of course there is also a toilet.




    Eat-in corner available (as of February 2020) Buying bread when using a nearby store I heard. Eat-in has a clean feel, Microwave oven and hand washing area Self-serve coffee (HOT 120 yen, ICE 150 yen) It's also quite delicious. Items purchased within Okwa It's OK to bring your own food to eat. Light snacks and snack time for children, etc. I think you can use it in many ways!

  • ć©ć‚“ćć‚Šć“ć‚ć‚“ć“ć‚ć‚“



    2023怀1 I found it wandering around here. The store is quite spacious and has a lot of food related items. The area of ā€‹ā€‹each sales floor seems to be large. Meat and fish look delicious too A wide variety of Korean cup noodles and seasonings are also available. I bought a lot of things. Across the street is a hardware store, Nitori, and Yellow Hat. There's even a drug store next door, so my daily life is almost complete. I want one near my house too. The parking lot is spacious and you can use Okuwa cards, which is good. Some products from Seijo Ishii are also available. I was very happy to be able to get my hands on the Fuji vinegar that was featured on a TV program the other day. I also decided on a store I would like to visit. Added to navigation as a favorite

  • Minun Minun

    Minun Minun


    Same prices as in any Okuwa. But has more varieties of food. Different cheese and sweets.

najbliższy Supermarket

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