イオン枚方店 w Hirakata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-1-203 Okahonmachi, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0031, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-843-0048
strona internetowej: www.aeon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8156832, Longitude: 135.6465551

komentarze 5

  • くまちゃん



    Please revise the morning business hours. From 9 o'clock, we waited for the store to open at 10 o'clock with only underground food items. Parking fee is too high. I went to get a refund because the product was defective, but I got a refund of 660 yen and the parking fee was 600 yen... That's too bad. (The store forgot to check the parking ticket) I will never use Biorne again. It took an hour to go one way and it was expensive (^◇^;)

  • Mark Cogan

    Mark Cogan


    It’s not the cheapest supermarket in Hirakata, but it is not the most expensive either. There are advantages to shopping here. 1) It has its own TopValu brand which can save you money off of name brand prices; 2) You don’t even have to go to the store. You can order online and they will deliver; 3) They have other shops within, such a fruit/vegetable stands and butchers. It has a sizable produce section and bread/pastry section. Meat can be expensive. It gets busy on the weekend, so try early in the morning (10am) or before closing when there might be discounts.

  • Alex Montoya

    Alex Montoya


    Very good place. I really liked it. The store is really big and food quality is awesome. The prices are very affordable for a store of this kind. I was really amazed of the variety of food and drinks. 100% recommended.

  • Throne Kayo

    Throne Kayo


    They have a 100 yen shop.

  • Gregory Mitchell

    Gregory Mitchell


    This supermarket groceries are inexpensive. Great savings.

najbliższy Supermarket

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