メルキュール横須賀 en Yokosuka



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3-chōme-27 Honchō, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-0041, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 46-821-1111
sitio web: all.accor.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2813833, Longitude: 139.6625138

comentarios 5

  • Hector Wong

    Hector Wong


    It is a four star hotel with types of rooms, services and restaurants The rate is reasonable even at today’s bubble age. Transportation is convenient if you are traveling with public transportation

  • David Roberts

    David Roberts


    A quick business trip but will come back if I get the chance. Staff were very helpful and ashtrays ready to assist. The location is great with an easy walk to shops, eating, nights out or transport/ train station. Rooms may be a little outdated but comfortable and clean and was very roomy. Pillows weren't too my tasting but I didn't seek an alternative as it was okay but for a longer stay, I'd probably at least ask next time if they had alternatives. Would be happy to stay again.

  • Guy Jester

    Guy Jester


    I cannot say enough good things about the hotel, and it begins with the people - their professionalism, service, and friendliness. They go out of their way to be accommodating. First, I was having trouble with the website, I emailed them and they made my reservation for me. I had to have a package of training materials delivered from the US. They emailed me when it arrived and held on to it for almost two weeks before I arrived. They had it waiting for me and brought it to my room. And when I needed a taxi to get to work, they arranged it and came out to talk to the driver to ensure they brought me to the proper location. And the location is perfect for train transportation (Shiori Station is right around the block), shopping, restaurants, and access to CFAY base.

  • Michael Refuerzo

    Michael Refuerzo


    The Mercure is a great hotel to stay at. The staff are very friendly and the the hotel is located right next to the Yokosuka Train station which has the KK, JO, and JR lines available for easy travel. The rooms are dated but very well maintained. I stayed in a room with 2 twin beds just so that I could get extra space that had a small table extra chair and a couch that turned into a bed (aka futon). The breakfast in the hotel's restaurant on the 19th floor was consistently good and it has a great view of the park. The hotel is also right next to the mall in Yokosuka and for nightlife, you have the Hounch which is a series of streets with great food, Chu-hi stands, and shops.

  • Med BIQAR

    Med BIQAR


    The Hotel is located a few steps from a train station to connect to the city. Easy check-in process with friendly staff. The room I stayed at was okay in size and cosy. The interior design was simple A coffee corner with all the necessary stuff to make a coffee or tea. The bathroom has a decent size. The breakfast was good, unfortunately for me it was limited as no much halal options, but in general the bakery, eggs was splendid.

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