Menya Nidaime Ieraishan i Akita

JapanMenya Nidaime Ieraishan



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Japan, 〒010-0146 Akita, Shimoshinjōnakano, Kaidōbatanishi−92−29
kontakter telefon: +81 80-1664-9205
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Latitude: 39.8068262, Longitude: 140.0558218

kommentar 5

  • 煮込み大佐



    Rich salt ramen. I wonder if 750 yen is enough for such a good soup. My favorite. Chinese style meat sauce. This is Shibiuma ramen disguised as pasta, and a side dish is required. R6.8.24 I was able to visit for the first time in a year and a half. Nothing had changed except the salted meat soup ramen, seasoned extra eggs, and the menu name. In a good way of course! After all, it was so delicious that I was reluctant to finish it. The clerks are polite and kind today, and the operation is perfect and the waiting time is short. Perhaps because of this, the atmosphere inside the store is bright and makes you want to visit.

  • kei



    Came right away. Second time. Today it was almost 13:00, and I managed to get by as the car was full. While I was filling out the waiting form, a car passed by. The timing was good. It took about 10 minutes to wait. Tomato soup is sold out. Today I will try black vinegar coriander. This also has a unique balance of scent and taste, and even though it's hot in the summer, it seems to refresh your mouth. If you can eat cilantro, please try it at least once. Mini rice bowl, today's choice is rouleau rice. It's called Char Siu Uma. I'll come back later. (Hereafter, the first time) I won't explain why it's the second generation because it's probably in someone's reviews. It's finally here. It seems like it starts at 10:30 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. There are parking lots, one on the front and left sides surrounding the store, and one at the back entrance. It seems like you can park it somehow as long as it doesn't obstruct the passage. Please sign your name on the paper outside and wait. If you enter your cell phone number, it will call you. It's a food ticket machine. The main store is Souler. For customers who have come many times, we offer limited edition noodles. Button next to the regular Surah. Kurenai seems to be the most spicy one. It was pretty tough, but I can do it. I don't sweat in the summer. Tomato soup, Mazesoba. Topped with hot spring egg. This was really delicious. I wonder if this will be okay next time? Should I eat something else? Hmm, the sourness and tomatoes are good. It looks the same as the regular Surah and Mazesoba types. After all, when it comes to sura, the bottom is usually soup. The mazesoba was mushy with bean paste until the end. It's delicious to mix and match. Numbers from other prefectures also stand out. Customers kept coming and going. From what I hear, they often close mid-way through because they run out of soup. The staff was very organized and it took about 5 minutes to get in line, be called, buy a ticket, be seated, and receive the food. Early, early. I want to come again!

  • ころすけ



    It's a popular store, and the parking lot is small so it's difficult to park. (There is a slightly larger parking lot opposite the store across the national highway) The ticket vending machine doesn't have a picture of the menu, so you'll be in a hurry to choose when the next customer comes up behind you. Only 1000 yen bills are accepted. In the end, I chose the limited-edition meat soup and shoyu chashu. I'm happy with the rice service. The seats at the counter are widely spaced and there are solid partitions, so it's very comfortable. Customers are pouring in one after another, but the staff are very efficient and handle the customers perfectly. The serving time was normal and the rice bowl arrived. The char siu men looked like an ordinary dish, but the thick, thick soup matched well with the firm, thin noodles, and the thick, soft char siu was very delicious. I feel that the price is ``cheap'' for the food and service provided. I don't easily give restaurants a ⭐︎5, but this one was delicious. As expected, it's a popular store. I think it's ⭐︎5 even considering the narrow parking lot. I would love to come again and try other menu items. /// Visited again and ordered dandan noodles. Exceptionally delicious. no doubt. /// Since then, I have visited countless times. As always, I am impressed with the work of the female floor staff. I really want you to come to our company. Ramen is also delicious. Very good. It'll be crowded.

  • ほのか



    There is a parking lot on the left side, in front of the store, and across the road. Both are narrow so be careful. The reception was a sign-in ceremony where you wrote down your phone number and called. It was a little before noon, so it wasn't that crowded, and the wait time was about 20 minutes, right after I entered the store. Water is self-serve. The noodles were a little hard, but they went well with the soup and were very delicious. It was a restaurant that I would like to go to again if it wasn't crowded.

  • わた



    Favorite ramen restaurant There are many types of menus at the ticket vending machine, but all of them are definitely delicious. The signature menu is hot and sour noodles My personal favorites are the soupy dandan noodles in the photo and the spicy miso chive soba. Dandan noodles come with free mini rice, so it's delicious when you eat them with minced meat on top. Miso chive soba has a lot of ingredients, so you can eat it without worrying about the balance between ingredients and noodles. Another point is that the food is served very quickly.

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