美味快飲 天心坊 大堀店 en Niigata

Japón美味快飲 天心坊 大堀店



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-6-15 Sakaihigashi, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2041, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-231-0007
sitio web: tenshinbou-gr.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.8796391, Longitude: 138.9840171

comentarios 5

  • のりのり(のり)



    Rich special miso ramen and gomoku ramen. The rich miso ramen has a stronger flavor than before. The chashu was also delicious. Chinese rice is also delicious.

  • 山ち



    Used during lunch time on weekdays. The store was about 70% full, with an even split between men and women. I ordered a rich miso set. Served in about 7 minutes. It's fast considering the store is crowded. I didn't feel that the ramen was rich enough to warrant the name ``rich'', but I think the sweet miso and chewy noodles go well together. The fried rice is crunchy and has an orthodox taste. I think it's totally delicious, but with prices rising these days, I don't think it's a good value. I felt that.

  • 大将



    I visited Tenshinbo for the first time in a while. This time I ate rich miso ramen and Shanghai yakisoba. As expected, Tenshinbo's miso ramen was very delicious. The same amount of bean sprouts (lol) It was my first time to eat Shanghai Yakisoba, and it was very delicious. Are there very few ramen shops that serve Shanghai Yakisoba? I guess so! This is highly recommended!

  • Sato Koba

    Sato Koba


    Visited for lunch. It's been about 10 years, I guess. This restaurant is popular for miso ramen. Personally, I think the gomoku ankake type is also delicious. For lunch, you can set your favorite noodles with mini fried rice, mini Chinese bowl, or mini mapo bowl for an additional 200 yen. Today I ordered Gomoku Ankake Ramen and a mini fried rice set. The soup and bean paste are delicious, but the noodles are not. It's messy and doesn't have a good texture. Even if the bean paste and soup were mixed with the noodles, it was not good. This is unfortunate. If only the noodles were more delicious... The fried rice was delicious as usual.

  • Adrian Bergeron

    Adrian Bergeron


    Our absolute favorite ramen shop. While everyone certainly has their own taste when it comes to ramen, Tenshinbo just makes theirs so perfectly. Also a pretty good gyoza, and excellent crab fried rice.

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