MaxValu Kiyama i Kiyama

JapanMaxValu Kiyama



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Japan, 〒841-0202 Saga, Miyaki District, Kiyama, Nagano, 字年の森1018
kontakter telefon: +81 942-81-7888
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.4136815, Longitude: 130.5303813

kommentar 5

  • ゆか



    The fruit was rotten so I contacted them and asked them to replace it. This in a day and a half. I guess it was sold in a rotten state. When I went to exchange it on the same day, for some reason I was given a refund. There was no apology, and the manager didn't even come out. I went all the way there because it's not in my neighborhood, but it was a waste of time.

  • 二子



    The new sales floor is fun to look around, but it's also disappointing that some products are no longer available. I like looking at clothes, but I don't think I'd buy them here. The number of self-checkout stations has increased and the time spent queuing has decreased. Also, it has become easier to notice the difference between the price displayed at the store and the price when reading the barcode. I have found mistakes several times and have them checked. The problem is that WAON has a small number of charging machines.

  • morimichi



    The expanded prepared food section is highly praised, but is a half-baked clothing section necessary? That space is a waste.

  • 柚木ゆのき



    After the renovation, the parking lot became extremely crowded. Now that it's nicer and has a better selection, I'm starting to make it my main food, but even though it's nicer, the basics haven't changed, so there's nothing particularly new about vegetables, meat, fish, and side dishes. a. Nothing has changed...I suddenly come to my senses. It's a shame that the fun outlet is no longer there. I think outlet stores are better than clothing stores. This is the Maxvalu Kiyama store, which has a larger selection of products. Come back clean! That's what it feels like.

  • santosh phunjali

    santosh phunjali


    After 10 pm you will get discounted meat items.😊😊

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