Marusan Shoyu i Nakagawa

JapanMarusan Shoyu



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1098-1 Bessho, Nakagawa, Fukuoka 811-1245, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-952-2481
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.490425, Longitude: 130.4140754

kommentar 5

  • ak ra

    ak ra


    Soy sauce brewer. If the timing is right, you can buy seasonal vegetables and freshly laid eggs from local producers. They have soy sauce, sake, amazake, miso, and more, so it's good to visit on a daily basis, or you can stop by on a drive. Those who shop will be able to take home 40 liters of spring water for free. The customer service from the staff is also very pleasant.

  • 源馬冬希子



    Fruit amazake is the best★I recommend amazake sorbet so much that I serve it as a snack at my mugwort steamed salon.I always have yuzu and strawberries on hand. I think I'll try drawing some water as well.This is the Marusan Shoten course starting from visiting the Gento Shrine (^^) I'm glad that I'm open until around 5pm on Sundays, thank you very much★

  • 55 popai

    55 popai


    Friendly clerk. Many products use soy sauce! Sweet sake, vegetables. It seems that people who purchase the product will be able to drink water. It's close to Genjin Shrine, so I thought everyone would take a look at it on their way home✨

  • Мысық Мысық

    Мысық Мысық


    I learned about it from a friend and have been going there since December last year. We also receive water from underground water. Of course, I also buy products from the store. Water is available only to customers who have made a purchase. Even though it is written in big letters, there are many people who just fetch water. Here, I buy pickled Chinese cabbage, pickled mustard greens (they are delicious), and sometimes vegetables as well. If you are going to pump a large amount of groundwater, I think it would be a good idea to buy at least one item from the store.

  • マジンガーZ



    I visited here because I heard that the water here was delicious. The water was soft and mild😁✋ It would be great if you make ice with this water and drink a glass of shochu 😅✋ As mentioned in the warning, there are some people who receive such good water and go home without shopping 😠❕ However, I was disappointed that they don't manufacture garlic soy sauce😓❕

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