Matsufuji Dental Clinic i Onojo

JapanMatsufuji Dental Clinic



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1-chōme-25-7 Tsukinoura, Onojo, Fukuoka 816-0983, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-595-6200
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.498968, Longitude: 130.461551

kommentar 5

  • カイザー



    To put it simply, the doctor's treatment is ``miscellaneous''. (The dental hygienist was polite.) While performing treatment, the doctor says through his mask, ``I'll do ◎◎,'' but he's so slurred that I can't hear him, and he doesn't say anything, such as having his teeth removed without being able to understand. Occasionally the gums inside the mouth get scratched or caught. It hurts because the lips are used as a fulcrum when applying force. (The patient's feelings are irrelevant) During the treatment to remove the nerves, it was seriously one of the worst pains of my life, and it was so painful that I jumped. The waiting time is very long. Even if you make a reservation and go early, you will still have to wait 30 minutes. In the first place, there are too many people making reservations. The other day, 6 people were forced to sit on a 6-seater sofa, crammed together, and had to wait. If a mother comes with her child, there is no more seating space. Some people were standing and waiting today. It was an incredible sight. There were noticeable places in the room where dust had accumulated, so much so that even I, who am not a germaphobe, could see it. This is the perfect dentist for people with free time who don't mind having to wait, or for masochistic people who enjoy severe pain. It's a mystery why other people's reviews are good. Is the high rating Sakura?

  • Pa Se

    Pa Se


    The dentist here is the worst As the reviews say, it's sloppy and painful, and the website is also a lie. It's true that I can't say that my face and words are scary and I'm scared of my face.

  • まりまりまりん



    It got good reviews a few years ago. A few years ago, I thought it was a good hospital with good doctors. Lately, perhaps because I've gotten older, or because I have a lot of patients, I've become a novice and forgotten my original purpose. The attitude differs depending on the patient.The area I treated last time got worse, but maybe it was because I had developed a very cold periodontal disease? Moreover, even though it was rough and painful, they brushed the area around my teeth that had periodontal disease as hard as they could! ! What kind of dentist is this? The website says that he is trusted or that he is an ordinary person, but it is a lie. Please don't be fooled. Please tell him that his face is scary. It doesn't make any sense. She always looks scary, but from a patient's point of view, there's no way she could say that, right? What are you talking about? The person next to me who was receiving treatment said something so cruel that it made me feel sick. It's humanity! I don't care about my patients! It's disqualifying me as a dentist if my approach changes depending on my mood or the patient. If you have cavities, periodontal disease, or tooth pain and are looking for a dentist, this hospital is painful, sloppy, and the doctors are impersonal, so if you don't mind, please go.

  • Tomo Tomo

    Tomo Tomo


    The more skilled a dental assistant is, the sooner they will disappear. Same-day reservations will be handled differently depending on the receptionist. I haven't been there recently, but I wonder what it's like now.

  • sk



    Even if I had to go there on the same day, they were happy to accommodate me. The treatment time was quick, and the burden, including the initial consultation fee, was less than I expected! The doctor was wonderful and the dental assistant also had a regular meeting. It was sophisticated. Matsufuji Dental Clinic is my current home!

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