Masaoka Hospital en Hiroshima

JapónMasaoka Hospital


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4-6 Nekoyachō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0852, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-291-3366
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Latitude: 34.395213, Longitude: 132.448237

comentarios 5

  • ten jin

    ten jin


    It was my first time giving birth, and I'm so glad I chose this maternity hospital. During my pregnancy, she explained everything in detail to me at every checkup, and while I was in the hospital, she prioritized my mother's recovery and supported me in many ways. The most important thing is that they responded quickly even in an emergency, and that my baby was born safely. Even when I was in the hospital, the director came to check on me every day, and the midwives were wonderful, and I'm just grateful for them. I am hoping that my second child will be able to come here as well.

  • くまのすけ



    It's a beautiful maternity hospital, but I had a lot of bad experiences during my hospital stay, so I won't be staying here again even if I have another visit. good point ·beautiful ・Easy to make delivery reservations and next checkup reservations ・It seems that Mr. Chairman Echo is very skilled. ・Since it is in the city, there is good access to a major hospital in case something happens (apparently important) ・The rice is delicious ・I will take care of your baby. Prioritize maternal recovery. I go to the nursing room every 4 hours or so, but if I say I'll skip the ◯ hours, she will give me milk. Bad points ・Even if you have a reservation, you are not called on time ・There are overbearing and unpleasant midwives. ・Doctors are hit and miss. ・There is a lot of time left without understanding - Information is not shared, and what is said to the nurse is not communicated to other nurses or doctors. ・I can hear the nurse's private language all the time while breastfeeding. Postpartum is a small thing that makes me sad, but the nurse said something unpleasant to me and I cried in my room. I guess she heard about it from another nurse, but she came to apologize, but she just said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. ____!" It felt stupid to be angry anymore, so all I could say was, "Ah..." It's not just that person, there are many people who talk about it. Honestly, I felt uncomfortable because we weren't friends. Approximately 50-50 people say that he has a good personality, while others say that he has a bad personality. I'll never forget when I said, "It hurts!" during delivery, and the doctor came into the delivery room and said, "It's so loud, you can hear it all the way down the hallway." I don't know anything about the others, so I can't compare them, but I can't help but think that they're generally better than this one.

  • サニー



    I gave birth here. Dr. Chairman has a very good reputation, and every examination was thorough and I was able to give birth with peace of mind. However, midwives are very hit or miss. There is a separate room for mothers and babies, so if the baby cries, they will be called over to breastfeed the baby, but when we receive the baby, there are a few people who are so uncomfortable that we cringe. Especially at night, there are about two people working together, so even if the baby wasn't crying, they were called all at once, and many times I saw the newborn being left alone despite the baby's cries after birth, so I was worried. So much so. It can't be helped as childbirth is unpredictable, but since we are paying a high newborn care fee (approximately 90,000 yen) to separate the mother and child, I would like them to consider the number of children. On the other hand, when I had free time, I would often watch the nurses chatting with each other in the neonatal room while nursing my baby, feeling confused. I hope this is helpful for those who are about to give birth.

  • 美穂子高橋



    Tests at the obstetrics and gynecology department make me more depressed than I am, and I don't want to have them if possible. The reason may be embarrassment or pain... If you're a woman, you'll understand. However, the director's explanations are easy to understand and I don't feel uncomfortable during the test ♡ That's why I want to continue testing here for as long as possible. The inside of the hospital is nice and the cleanliness is amazing.

  • rabi neko

    rabi neko


    I gave birth to my first child in April of this year. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, I didn't have to wait long to go to the hospital, so I didn't have any problems. I had to give birth by caesarean section, but the nurses and midwives took great care of me. Everyone's support really helped me. When I breastfeed my baby for the first time, they accompany me and explain things to me, and when I feel uneasy about breastfeeding after that, they take turns calling out to me and giving me various advice. The president of the board and the director of the hospital also came to my hospital room every day to check on my physical condition. They basically took care of my child, and when I needed to breastfeed, I would go to the nursing room and breastfeed my child.If I wanted to be in the same room with my mother and child, I could ask, which was helpful. Once I was discharged from the hospital, I would be with my child forever, so once my body had recovered a little, I would share the same room with her at night, but I would leave her with him again during the day, so I could refresh myself. The three meals of rice and snacks were all delicious and wonderful, as expected. The only thing that bothered me was that sometimes a male cook was brought in to serve the food. A man came in first! I was surprised. It's usually around dinner time, so there might not be enough staff, but there's a possibility that she's breastfeeding, so I thought it would be nice if all the people in the hospital room, other than the doctor, were women. Other than that I'm very satisfied. I would like to take care of my second child as well.

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